The upcoming true crime series spinoff Worst Ex Ever on Netflix delves into the heinous side of the past relationships of four individuals. The series is a spinoff of the successful true crime production on Netflix, Worst Roommate Ever.
The project is produced by Jason Blum, Chris McCumber, Cynthia Childs, Gretchen Palek, Jordana Hochman, and Blumhouse TV in collaboration with ITV America. The four-part show focuses on romantic relationships turned into nightmares. Worst Ex Ever is set to release on August 14, 2024. As per Netflix, the official synopsis of the show reads:
"From chilling betrayals to murder plots, this true-crime docuseries dissects the dark side of love through eyewitness testimonies."
When does Worst Ex Ever release?
The new series, Worst Ex Ever, will premiere exclusively on Netflix on August 14, 2024. The show features bodycam footage, real-life testimonials, and reenactments that enrich the four individual stories of relationships gone wrong.
Worst Ex Ever was developed following the success of its predecessor, Worst Roommate Ever. The second season of Worst Roommate Ever premiered on June 26. According to Variety, the spinoff comes in at a time when the word "bad exes" has been trending across social media.
The official trailer for the long-awaited show was released on July 16, 2024, and has amassed 120,000 views so far. The trailer mentions the use of recorded 911 calls, interviews with the primary person of contact, and the acquired footage to calm me down.
What is Worst Roommate Ever about?
The upcoming four-episode series The Worst Ex Ever was announced after the success of The Worst Roommate Ever, which debuted in March 2022. The upcoming show has turned the series into a franchise with the recent addition of the spinoff.
The title of the show suggests a focus on heinous crimes where individuals living with flatmates end up being the killers. The stories showcased on the show Worst Roommate Ever are based on real-life incidents. The two seasons of the show ranked in the global Top 10 on the English-language TV series list.
Gretchen Palek, a producer from Blumhouse, discussed the new series in an interview with Variety published on July 16, 2024, explaining:
“After the success of ‘Roommate,’ we asked, what could a new series be to start the franchise? And we really felt like, what was more relatable than exes?”
Palek continued:
“I love mining social media for those types of trends, but we really did feel like ‘Roommate’ resonated because of the universal relatability. And we do feel like most people feel their ex is bad — but in our series, our exes really are the absolute worst."
She added:
"That’s why we leaned into it. But I think it does not hurt across the board that on social a lot of people are talking about that. I know the story you’re referring to in particular, and I was fascinated by it.”
The new Netflix trailer for Worst Ex Ever provides a glimpse into the horrific crimes of passion that will unfold in the upcoming episodes.
Interested viewers can stream Worst Ex Ever on Netflix starting August 14, 2024.