Ozark Law, a new 10-episode A&E reality TV show premiering in January 2025, follows the daily operations of the Lake Ozark and Osage Beach Police Departments in Missouri. These agencies tackle unique challenges as the region's population surges from thousands to millions during summer.
Produced by Lucky 8 for A&E Network, the series will debut on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at 10 p.m. ET (9 p.m. CT). The series will be available to watch on A&E and can also be streamed on demand and through the A&E app and AETV.com.
Ozark Law is one of three law enforcement-focused shows premiering on A&E in January 2025, alongside Homicide Squad New Orleans and Real PD Kansas City.
Everything to know about Ozark Law
The new reality series Ozark Law offers a unique perspective on the challenges faced by Missouri's Lake Ozark and Osage Beach Police Departments.
Set against the backdrop of summer tourism, where millions flock to the region for water activities and nightlife, the show highlights the increased demands on these small-town law enforcement agencies. Lake of the Ozarks has millions of tourists flocking during summer, while only a few thousand residents live there. Such a situation presents serious challenges to local law enforcement agencies, particularly the Lake Ozark and Osage Beach Police Departments.
Featuring real officers, the series showcases their efforts to maintain order amid the seasonal surge. Specific officers appearing in the episodes have not yet been confirmed. The officers must deal with traffic, increased incidents of public disturbance, and heavier emergency calls while ensuring that the residents and the tourists are safe.
The departments frequently collaborate with nearby agencies, including the Miller and Camden County Sheriff's Offices and the Missouri Highway Patrol, to handle the summer surge. Ozark Law offers an authentic look at how officers manage the challenges of tourist crowds, showcasing their dedication and resilience during peak season.
Behind the screen team efforts and cast of the series
The filming of Ozark Law required a deep commitment from both the production crew and the local law enforcement teams. According to Lake Expo, the series was shot on-location around the Lake of the Ozarks, capturing real-time operations of police officers tackling crimes like drug busts and DUIs. The production team worked closely with officers to ensure accuracy, often embedding themselves in high-stakes situations.
"We’re fortunate to live in a place of natural beauty where people want to visit," Osage Beach Police Chief Todd Davis said.
He then continued,
"But when the population rapidly multiplies literally overnight, it presents unique challenges for our officers. The series shows how dedicated we are to serving the Osage Beach community."
The cast primarily features real officers, including Chief Launderville, Officer Alex Kosky, and Chief Todd Davis portraying themselves in the field. Their authentic performances, combined with the meticulous efforts of the crew, create a gripping portrayal of law enforcement in action.
Plot of Ozark Law
The show takes viewers to the heart of Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks region, where the serene, small-town life transforms into a chaotic hub during the summer tourist season. The official synopsis reads:
"For nine months of the year, the towns around the lake are home to only a few thousand residents. However, as millions of tourists descend in the warmer months, seeking outdoor adventures and vibrant nightlife, the influx puts immense pressure on local law enforcement."
The series follows officers from the Lake Ozark Police Department and the Osage Beach Police Department as they face the challenges of keeping order in this seasonal chaos.
From handling rowdy crowds and traffic violations to responding to more severe incidents, the show captures the intense and unpredictable nature of their work. This show presents a close-up look at what it takes to be dedicated, resilient, and think on one's feet in keeping the community safe through raw, unscripted footage.
Stay tuned for more news and updates on A&E's Ozark Law.