Hard North is a Canadian survival documentary series that is collaboratively directed by Paul Kilback, Victor Kishmaniuk, and Mark Stevenson. Paul Kilback also serves as the creator and showrunner of the series, which is produced by Blue Ant Studios.
The series, which has eight episodes, released as an Amazon Prime Original on November 29, 2024. The primary storyline follows a group of Canadians, as they embark on a journey to survive under the harsh conditions in the Canadian wilderness.
The cast of the docu-series includes Matty Clarke, Billy Rioux, Margot Bossus, Emily Veilleux, and Gilbert Chookomoolin. Hard North is produced by Mark J.W. Bishop, Matthew Hornbug, Tara Elwood, and Donna Luke.
Hard North plot
The Amazon MGM docu-series Hard North follows a group of Canadian survivalists as they participate in a four-season mission to survive and create a living in the harsh wilderness of Canada. The series provides a glimpse of the most deserted and geographically challenging landscape of Canada.
The biggest task that the participants have is to create everything from the resources available in the surroundings. The extreme weather in the wilderness comes as one of the biggest challenges, which is added by the isolation experienced by the central characters.
Each cast is documented separately, featuring their physical and emotional struggles in surviving a dense forest. As per an Amazon MGM Studios article, the list of participants and their tasked areas in the series include:
- Matty Clarke in Lake St. John, Newfoundland
- Margot Bossus in Plata Trap-Line, Rogue Range, Yukon Territory
- Billy Rioux in Gaspé Peninsula
- Emily Veilleux and Gilbert Chookomoolin in Peawanuck, Ontario
Hard North's showrunner is known for his survival documentary
Paul Kilback, creator and showrunner, who has collaboratively directed the docu-series, is popular for his survival and investigation documentaries. He is best known for his work Life Below Zero: Canada. The docu-series chronicles the story of Canadians, including the First Nations people, as they survive in the most deserted regions in Northern Canada.
Released on April 21, 2019, Life Below Zero: Canada went to run for two successive seasons. Some of Paul Kilback's other notable screen credits include Treasure Trader (2012), Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan (2012), Miracles Decoded (2014), Tornado Hunters (2014), Battlefield Mysteries (2015), Hunting Nazi Treasure (2017), See No Evil (2017), Cold Valley (2018), Paranormal Hotline (2021), and Encounter: UFO (2021)
Where to stream Hard North?
All eight episodes of Paul Kilback's docu-series Hard North are available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video. A subscription to Amazon Prime membership costs $14.99 per month and $139 per year.
People who already have a Prime Video membership have to pay $ 8.99 per month, and can access a range of docu-series. Some of the recent top-rated picks include Alone (2015), The Case of JonBenét Ramsey (2016), The Vow (2020), Planet Earth III (2023), The Curious Case Of Natalia Grace (2023), Social Studies (2024), and Quiet On Set: The Dark Side Of Kids TV (2024).
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