Mayfair Witches, a supernatural horror drama series, premiered on AMC on January 8, 2023. Created by Esta Spalding and Michelle Ashford, it is based on Anne Rice’s Lives of the Mayfair Witches. The second season began airing on January 5, 2025, with the third episode set to release on January 19, 2025, continuing its exploration of the Immortal Universe.
Rowan Fielding, played by Alexandra Daddario, is a neurosurgeon who discovers her connection to the powerful Mayfair family. She struggles with her new heritage and the dark history of a supernatural being named Lasher.
Ted Levine portrays Julien Mayfair, an important character in the story. He is sneaky and manipulative, subtly influencing events while posing a threat. Levine's character keeps viewers guessing about his evil plans.
A glimpse of Ted Levine's role as Julien in Mayfair Witches
Ted Levine as Julien is a recurring character who is first seen as Cortland Mayfair's father, played by Harry Hamlin. He is a strong and evil force in the Mayfair family. Julien's character is manipulative and sneaky, possessing a haunting presence that reflects the family's dark history.
Julien embodies authority and has a diabolical nature, relishing his charge. His interactions with Cortland show how dominant he is. In a shocking scene, Julien mocks Cortland by calling him weak and not good enough to carry the Mayfair name. Cortland decides to show his loyalty by cutting off his arm and offering it to Julien as a disgusting way to make him feel better.
Beyond his direct interactions, Julien's presence is symbolic. He is the family's lasting link to Lasher, the supernatural being that keeps bothering the Mayfairs.
His actions show the darker sides of the family history, especially how willing they were to do horrible things to stay powerful and alive. Julien's ability to control people, even those closest to him, shows how toxic the family unit is as a whole.
Julien’s interactions with Cortland highlight his manipulative nature. Despite his dominance, Julien’s time with Cortland is short-lived as Rowan awakens him, shifting the narrative's focus.
Levine's cold demeanor and sharp dialogue add depth to the story. Although Julien appears only a few times in Mayfair Witches, he has a big impact on the family and the drama that is unfolding.
Ted Levine’s career and achievements
Ted Levine has been working for many years and is best known for his role as Jame Gumb in The Silence of the Lambs (1991). He was born on May 29, 1957, in Bellaire, Ohio. He received praise for his chilling portrayal of Buffalo Bill, but initially, he was often cast in villainous roles.
From 2002 to 2009, Levine played Captain Leland Stottlemeyer on Monk, showcasing his versatility as an actor. His success continued with films like Heat (1995), Shutter Island (2010), and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018). Levine has also lent his voice to animated shows, such as Sinestro in the Justice League series.
Mayfair Witches season 2 is available to stream on AMC+.