Invincible season 3 episode 4, titled You Were My Hero, is all set to premiere on Amazon Prime Video on February 13, 2025, at 12 am Pacific Standard Time or 3 am Eastern Standard Time.
Being the midpoint of the series, fans can certainly expect a lot going into Invincible season 3 episode 4 as the first three outings of the season set up an action-packed future that will certainly test Mark Grayson on what it means to be a hero.
The show will premiere its newest episode at the same time it premiered its previous episodes - however, fans will only get one episode this time around than the three they received last week.
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Release timing Invincible season 3 episode 4 in all regions explored
As previously stated, Invincible season 3 episode 4 will premiere on Prime Video at 12 am Pacific Standard Time or 3 am Eastern Standard Time in the U.S.A, however, the release timing for the outing will differ in different regions. Here is when fans can expect Invincible season 3 episode 4 to premiere in their region.
Where to watch Invincible season 3 episode 4?
Fans can tune in for Invincible season 3 episode 4 exclusively on Amazon Prime Video in the United States of America and the other regions the service is available in. However, to watch the show, fans will require a valid subscription to the service.
If fans already own a subscription to the service, Invincible season 3 episode 4 will be available at no further cost.
Read more: Invincible season 3 episode 4 ending explained
Is there a preview for Invincible season 3 episode 4?
A preview for Invincible season 3 episode 4 was released online on February 11, 2025. The preview for the episode, titled You Were My Hero, showcased Mark Grayson in a dark and dystopian world that was completely leveled by destruction everywhere.
The preview for Invincible season 3 episode 4 also teased the return of Fightmaster and Dropkick, and fans can expect the episode to take place in the future as they do have the ability to travel through time. Aside from that, fans can also expect this to be another major moment for Mark in the season.
Invincible season 3 episode 1 to 3 recap
Episode 1

The season begins with Mark being trained at the GDA and his strength significantly improving. The opening also sees Duplikate reveal to the Guardians that she is alive and engaged to The Immortal. Back at home, Mark discovers that Oliver has developed his powers, but getting him to not use them proves to be a big task.
He also decides to tell his feelings to Eve, but that doesn't work out as he explains to her that he is only doing this because Eve from the future told him to do so. However, they get called into battle by Cecil as Doc Seismic has taken most of the superheroes in America in his custody. When Even and Mark arrive, Seismic is able to defeat them with ease and traps them as well.
However, Cecil deploys Darkwing and Sinclair's Reanimen to help the superheroes. While they can defeat Seismic, Mark disagrees with the GDA reforming criminals and confronts Cecil about it. This leads to Cecil taking Mark to the White Room as the superhero continues to get frustrated by him and deploys the Reanimen to control him.
In the mid-credits, fans see Omni-Man and Allen the Alien in the Viltrumite Prison as they devise a plan to get out from there.
Episode 2

The episode begins with Cecil's origins where he ends up losing most of his skin trying to stop two criminals for the GDA. However, he is then fitted with artificial skin and continues his work, but when he sees the organization use the same criminals and try and reform them, he shoots them in the head and lands himself in jail. However, the previous director sees promise in him and makes him the future director of the organization.
Flashing forward, Mark finds himself in a similar moral conflict. Disagreeing with Cecil’s methods, he challenges him, leading to a heated fight. Cecil gains the upper hand by secretly implanting a radio in Mark’s head, disrupting his hearing and causing immense pain. Mark then flies to the Guardian's headquarters asking Rudy to get the radio out of his head.
However, Cecil ends up following Mark there and deploys the Reanimen on him again. Rudy is then able to disrupt the communication to Mark's radio in the nick of time and he brutalizes the Reanimen while threatening Cecil with death and telling him to never come after his family again.
Disagreeing with Cecil's methods, Rexplode, Rudy, Rae, Monster Girl, and Bulletproof leave the Guardians. The episode then ends with Mark and Eve reconnecting and finally deciding that they should start dating.
Episode 3

The episode opens with Mark training Oliver and getting frustrated at him as he joins him in battle. However, realizing that his brother will want to fight, he takes him to Art to get him a new suit. Oliver then decides to name himself Kid Omni-Man which causes them great discomfort, however, Art also gives Mark a new black and blue suit as he has disbanded from Cecil.
Mark and Oliver then decide to go crime fighting again which leads to the brother ending up on the news and Mark further grows concerned for his brother. It all comes to a head when the Mauler twins decide to attack a military base and use a rocket to disrupt the Earth's communication. As they have already handled the Guardians, Mark and Oliver arrive on the spot to stop them.
As the twins launch the rocket, Mark is forced to leave his brother and stop the rocket. However, this leads to Oliver losing control of his powers and brutally killing the twins leaving everyone horrified. Mark returns to the spot and tells his brother about the importance of life and to not kill anyone. However, Oliver disagrees with him.
Debbie then has the same conversation with Oliver and he does agree to never kill again. However, Mark notices a camera spying on him and his family and immediately destroys it. It is then revealed that Angstrom Levy is alive and he was spying on Mark and his family.
For further updates on Invincible season 3 episode 4, stay tuned with us.