Netflix's Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action is an upcoming two-part documentary that explores in detail Springer's iconic TV show, The Jerry Springer Show, which is widely known for its controversial content. It is coming to Netflix on January 7 at 12 am PT or 3 am ET.
Initially, The Jerry Springer Show started out as a television show that explored content that would make the world a better place, like bringing viewers heartwarming surprises like reuniting long-lost daughters with their mothers. However, nobody seemed to be watching it. It was only under the supervision of producer and “diabolical genius” Richard Dominick that the show ramped up its content, which also escalated the views.
The show infamously ushered in a dark era in television by abandoning ethical considerations and even actively provoking the worst impulses of guests on the show. Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action is set to explore this transition of the television series by delving into the backstory of how the show came to assume such a controversial position in the history of television.
When does the Netflix documentary air? Release schedule of Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action on Netflix explored
The much-awaited Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action releases on January 7, 2025, on Netflix. The release schedule of the documentary across all regions, as per the usual release schedule of Netflix, is as follows:
- US Pacific Time: January 7, 2025, 12 AM
- US Central Time: January 7, 2025, 2 AM
- US Eastern Time: January 7, 2025, 3 AM
- Brazil Time: January 7, 2025, 6 AM
- South Africa Time: January 7, 2025, 10 AM
- Indian Standard Time: January 7, 2025, 1:30 PM
- Japan Time: January 7, 2025, 5 PM
- Eastern Australia Time: January 7, 2025, 7 PM
What is Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action all about?
The Jerry Springer Show was a controversial daytime television show hosted by the late former Cincinnati mayor and local news anchor Jerry Springer. The talk show, despite being outrageous and controversial, ran for 27 seasons and amassed huge popularity.
Featuring melodramatic love triangles and stories of secret siblings, among other topics like divorce, infidelity, homosexuality, and transgender love, the show was a huge hit in the '90s. It was nothing less than a circus where an occasional fistfight or brawl would break out.
How did the show, despite the nature of its contents that do provoke ethical dilemmas, become one of the biggest hits ever on television? Netflix's Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action, which is a new two-part documentary series, will explore the same by charting out the show’s origins and meteoric rise.
Taking us behind the scenes of the talk show, the documentary will reveal the true story of The Jerry Springer Show through firsthand testimonial accounts from show insiders who will reveal the dark truths behind the entertaining facade of the show.
The trailer released by Netflix gives us a glimpse at the murky picture that the show’s producers and ex-guests have painted, exploring the destruction it caused and raising questions about ethics and responsibility in the medium of entertainment.
Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action has been produced by Minnow Films and directed by Luke Sewell. It is executive produced by Sophie Jones, Alicia Kerr, and Sophie Leonard. Catherine Murnane produces the show.
Catch the true story of one of America's controversial talk shows on Netflix's Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action, which releases on January 7 on the streaming platform.