Whiskey on the Rocks is a Swedish satirical miniseries inspired by the real-life 1981 incident when a Soviet submarine, U-137, ran aground near Sweden's largest marine base during the Cold War. Directed by Björn Stein, the series features Rolf Lassgård as Prime Minister Thorbjörn Fälldin. It premiered in Sweden on SVT1 on December 25, 2024.
The series is set to debut internationally on January 22, 2025. For viewers in the United States, it will be released on Hulu at 12:00 a.m. ET (9:00 p.m. PT on January 21). The release times may vary slightly in other regions, depending on local streaming schedules.
The story explores an 11-day standoff between Sweden and the Soviet Union after the submarine incident. Prime Minister Fälldin, played by Lassgård, must navigate this tense situation to avoid global conflict. Key cast members include Kęstutis Stasys Jakštas as Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and Mark Noble as U.S. President Ronald Reagan.
Release schedule of Whiskey on the Rocks
Whiskey on the Rocks is a Swedish miniseries inspired by the 1981 incident when a Soviet submarine, U-137, ran aground near Sweden's largest naval base. The series, directed by Björn Stein, initially premiered in Sweden on SVT1 on December 25, 2024.
For international audiences, the series is set to release on January 22, 2025. In the United States, it will be available on Hulu, and in the United Kingdom, on Disney+.
Here is the release schedule across various time zones:
Please note that release times may vary slightly depending on regional streaming schedules or delays, it is advised to keep tracking through the official website.
To watch Whiskey on the Rocks, a subscription to the respective streaming service is required. In the United States, Hulu offers plans starting at $9.99 per month. In the United Kingdom, Disney+ subscriptions start at £7.99 per month.
Plot and cast of the Whiskey on the Rocks
Whiskey on the Rocks is based on a real Cold War incident from 1981. A Soviet submarine, U-137, mistakenly ran aground near Sweden’s Karlskrona naval base, triggering a tense diplomatic crisis.
The series depicts the events that unfolded over 11 days as Sweden struggled to manage the standoff without escalating it into a full-blown conflict. Swedish Prime Minister Thorbjörn Fälldin faces immense pressure to safeguard national security while dealing with Soviet demands and balancing the global political climate.
The narrative weaves political drama and subtle satire to explore themes of leadership, military protocol, and international relations, offering a unique look into a critical moment in Sweden’s modern history.
Here is the list of cast featured in the series:
- Rolf Lassgård as Thorbjörn Fälldin
- Kęstutis Stasys Jakštas as Leonid Brezhnev
- Anders Mossling as Ola Ullsten
- Artur Svorobovich as Andrei Bortnik
- Andrius Bialobzeskis as Vladimir Peskov
- Mark Noble as Ronald Reagan
- Elsa Saisio as Aleksandra Kosygina
- Niklas Engdahl as Börje Lagerkrantz
- Filip Berg as Håkan Martinsson
- Adam Lundgren as Captain Hammerberg
The series combines historical facts with satirical elements, providing a unique perspective on a tense moment in Swedish history.
Stay tuned for news and updates and watch Whiskey on the Rocks on Hulu and Disney+ as it releases.