NBC's police procedural show Law and Order: SVU season 26 is back on the channel with new episodes this January. The legal drama was launched on September 20, 1999, as a spin-off of the original Law and Order. The show focuses on the Special Victims Unit, a specialized squad of detectives in the New York City Police Department, who investigate crimes involving sexual assault, child abuse, and domestic violence.
The latest season premiered in October 2024 and aired eight episodes before going on a midseason hiatus.
Law and Order: SVU season 26 episode 11 will air on NBC on January 30, 2025, and will feature a case involving an assault on a young woman. One of the most prolific characters, Fin Tutuola, who was absent from the last episode, will be making a comeback in episode 11.
Led by Mariska Hargitay as Captain Olivia Benson, the show features an ensemble cast, including Ice-T, Peter Scanavino, Octavio Pisano, Kevin Kane, and Juliana Aidén Martinez. Created by Dick Wolf, Law and Order: SVU is one of the most successful spin-offs, holding the title for the longest-running primetime live-action series in U.S. TV history.
When will Law and Order: SVU season 26 episode 11 be released?
As stated above, Law and Order: SVU season 26 episode 11 titled Deductible will air on January 30, 2025, at 9 p.m. ET.
In the upcoming episode, a young boy will turn to the SVU team for help to find his missing sister. Through their investigation, Benson and Carisi will uncover evidence and motive behind the woman's assault, hinting at the possibility of workplace harassment.
Below are the release timings for all major regions:
Where to watch Law and Order: SVU season 26 episode 11?
Law & Order: SVU season 26 episode 11 will be released on NBC during its scheduled airtime on January 30, 2025. The episode will also be available for streaming the next day on Peacock, NBC's official streaming platform.
Peacock offers two main plans for new and returning customers. The Premium plan starts at $7.99/month (ad-supported, full access), and Premium Plus is priced at $13.99/month (ad-free, full access with offline downloads).
Individual episodes or a season of the show can be purchased on platforms like Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, Google Play, or Vudu. Some cable providers also offer on-demand options.
Preview of Law and Order: SVU season 26 episode 11
The logline for Law and Order: SVU season 26 episode 11 reads:
"A young boy seeks help when his sister doesn't come home from work. Benson and Carisi suspect a woman's assault was prearranged by a third party."
In the promotional video, Benson is heard saying in the very first scene, "This guy uses women for his own gain." The dialogue hints that the team will be handling a case regarding a person in power exploiting young women. The following scene where a man calls a woman his "deal sweetener" solidifies this assumption.
One of the oldest cast members of the show, Ice-T as Sergeant Odafin 'Fin' Tutuola will also be coming back in episode 11 after being absent in the previous episode.
In an interview with NBC Insider dated October 2, 2024, the actor talked about his character arc, saying:
"They have my voice. And Fin really damn near mimics my own thoughts in real life. The character is so close to Ice T, you know? I mean, Ice T's a little more irreverent... But I haven't really fought with any of the stuff that the character has been through."
Stay tuned for more updates on Law and Order: SVU season 26.