Only Murders in the Building is a mystery comedy-drama series created by Steve Martin and John Hoffman. It is about three strangers: Charles, played by Steve Martin; Oliver, played by Martin Short; and Mabel, played by Selena Gomez. All three are united with a passion for true crime, which finds them in real-life investigation after a murder has been committed in their building, the Arconia.
The series has released four seasons, all of which have ten episodes. Starting in August 2021 on Hulu, it got back-to-back renewals on streaming in June 2022 and later in August 2023, and the fourth season was announced in August 2024. Season 2 received critical acclaim, holding a 97% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with an IMDb rating of 8.1/10.
It's about the lives of three true-crime enthusiasts finding their way to solve real murders that are occurring in their apartment building, the Arconia. This scripted comedy-drama merges mystery with humor.
Selena Gomez is the youngest in the lead cast, hence being called the "cool kid" against veterans Steve Martin and Martin Short. It's a whodunnit and riddle genre-based series.
Only Murders in the Building season 2 will premiere on broadcast television for the first time on ABC starting January 2, 2025, at 9:00 PM ET.
Only Murders in the Building season 2 premieres on television
Season 2 of the beloved mystery-comedy Only Murders in the Building is set to premiere on ABC on January 2, 2025, at 9:00 PM ET. Fans who missed the show on Hulu can now enjoy it on television as it makes its broadcast debut.
The second season follows Charles Oliver and Mabel as they try to solve the murder of Bunny Folger, the former board president of their apartment building, while recording their true-crime podcast. Season 2 promises more twists, humor, and surprises as the trio dives deeper into their amateur detective work.
The TV broadcast on ABC allows a broader audience to experience the mystery of Only Murders in the Building. Season 2 consists of 10 episodes, and new episodes will air weekly on ABC. For international audiences, the series can also be streamed on Disney+ and Hulu.
What is Only Murders in the Building season 2 about?
In season 2 of Only Murders in the Building, Oliver, Charles, and Mabel become key suspects in the murder of Bunny Folger, the president of the Arconia Board. Determined to establish their innocence, they begin to hunt down hidden secrets and complicated relationships from the victim's past.
Mabel also deepens her character this time around with a new love affair with an artist named Alice Banks, as Oliver faces a personal revelation relating to his son's paternity. The investigation they undertake puts them in contact with Poppy White, assistant to a rival podcaster, Cinda Canning.
She is later found out to be Becky Butler, the actual brains behind Bunny's murder, for recognition and revenge. The season ends with the trio being cleared from all allegations, but a new mystery begins when actor Ben Glenroy falls on stage for the start of season 3.
Special appearances in season 2 of Only Murders in the Building
In Only Murders in the Building season 2, several guest stars play important roles. Amy Schumer appears as herself, taking over Sting's old apartment and hoping to turn the podcast into a show. Jason Veasey plays Jonathan Bridgecroft, adding a twist to the mystery. Paul Rudd surprises as Ben Glenroy, whose collapse sets up the season 3 mystery.
Ben Livingston and Mark Consuelos play Charles and Mabel's late fathers, bringing more depth to their characters. James Caverly's Theo Dimas and Jane Lynch's Sazz Pataki also complicate the investigation. Shirley MacLaine plays Rose Cooper, an artist linked to Bunny, whose information is key to solving the case.
Only Murders in the Building season 2 episode titles
- Persons of Interest
- Framed
- The Last Day of Bunny Folger
- Here's Looking at You
- The Tell
- Performance Review
- Flipping the Pieces
- Hello, Darkness
- Sparring Partners
- I Know Who Did It
Season 2 deepens character backstories and introduces new suspects, maintaining suspense and humor. A fifth season has been confirmed as of September 2024, but official release dates are yet to be released.
Stay tuned for more updates on Only Murders in the Building.