Deceitful Love is an Italian romantic drama series that premiered on Netflix on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. The series spans six episodes and is inspired by the 2019 British miniseries Gold Digger. It is directed by Pappi Corsicato and executive produced by Marco Chimenz, Giovanni Stabilini, and Riccardo Tozzi, among others.
Deceitful Love explores the challenges faced by 60-year-old Gabriella (Monica Guerritore) and her 30-year-old boyfriend, Elia (Giacomo Gianniotti). The show's official logline, as per Netflix, reads:
"After turning 60, a wealthy woman suddenly falls in love with an attractive and much younger man, but her family raises doubts about his intentions."
Deceitful Love was filmed in the scenic locations of Amalfi Coast, Sorrento, and Naples.
Deceitful Love: All the filming locations explored
Deceitful Love began filming in March 2023. The romantic series was primarily shot on the Amalfi Coast in southern Italy.
Amalfi Coast, Southern Italy
The Amalfi Coast was chosen as the primary shooting location for the series due to its pristine views of the sprawling sea and mountains in the background. It is the perfect setting for a scintillating romance like the one depicted in Deceitful Love.
The UNESCO-listed site is a popular filming location and has been featured in Hollywood films like The Talented Mr. Ripley, Beat the Devil, and Italian classics like L’Amore and The Emperor of Capri. Lastly, the quaint town of Positano, situated 18 km from the Amalfi Coast, is also among the show's filming locations.
Naples, Campania
The series was filmed at several popular locations around the city of Naples. The Chiaia Riviera, a popular neighborhood known for its centuries-old villas, was used to film some of the scenes in the show.
Other filming locations include the boutiques of Via Calabritto and the nearby Piazza dei Martiri. Additionally, the hamlet of Miseno in Bacoli is featured in the series.
Sorrento, Campania
The coastal town of Sorrento, located an hour's drive away from the urban setting of Naples, also makes an appearance in the series.
Plot summary
Deceitful Love centers around the unconventional romance between Gabriella (Monica Guerritore) and Elia (Giacomo Gianniotti), who is half her age. Their relationship is questioned by many people, including Gabriella's three adult children.
To dissuade them from dating, Gabriella's oldest son, Stefano (Emanuel Caserio), blocks his mother's credit cards and files a criminal case against Elia, accusing him of exploiting a vulnerable adult. Her teenage son, Nico (Francesco Del Gaudio), also seems very suspicious of Elia's intentions.
Gabriella only finds support in her daughter, Giulia (Dharma Mangia Woods), who, at one point, offers to pay Elia to stay with her mother.
Their relationship is further threatened by the arrival of Elia's ex-girlfriend, Marina (Denise Capezza), and the revelation that they have a newborn child together. Despite having every reason to walk away, both Gabriella and Elia decide to stay together, albeit without getting married. Thus, proving that their love isn't deceitful after all.
Cast and characters
The show's cast list is given below:
- Monica Guerritore as Gabriella
- Giacomo Gianniotti as Elia
- Emanuel Caserio as Stefano
- Dharma Mangia Woods as Guilia
- Francesco Del Gaudio as Nico
- Denise Capezza as Marina
- Geppy Gleijeses as Mario
- Fabrizia Sacchi
- Sandra Ceccarelli
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