The story of Netflix's 900 Days Without Anabel revolves around the 1993 kidnapping and murder of 22-year-old Anabel Segura by Emilio Muñoz Guadix and Candido Ortiz Aon. She was kidnapped while jogging in the affluent neighborhoods of Madrid, Spain.
The kidnappers, Emilio Muñoz Guadix and Candido Ortiz Aon, did this for monetary benefits. Despite the murder taking place in hours, they maintained a strategic ransom scheme over two years afterward, taking money from her grieving family.
Candido Ortiz Aon, who was an essential participant in the kidnap, died behind bars in 2009. Emilio Muñoz Guadix, the main mastermind, was released in 2013 after spending 18 years in prison when a verdict of European Human Rights reduced his jail sentence. Emilio Muñoz Guadix apologized for his crime and has been away from society ever since.
900 Days Without Anabel was released on Netflix on November 22, 2024.
Emilio Muñoz Guadix: The planner and his life after freedom
Emilio Muñoz Guadix, a delivery person in a difficult financial situation, was the mastermind behind the kidnapping. In April 1993, he recruited his childhood friend Candido Ortiz Aon, a plumber, to help kidnap him. On April 12, 1993, the two men kidnapped 22-year-old Anabel Segura at knifepoint while she was jogging in La Moraleja, a prosperous suburb of Madrid.
They forced her into a white van, with the abduction being witnessed by a school janitor who immediately called the police. Unfortunately, the janitor could not identify the license plate due to poor eyesight. The kidnappers first held her in an abandoned factory in Toledo.
Anabel reportedly tried to escape, leading to her accidental death within hours of her abduction. The panicked kidnappers buried her body near the factory.
The ransom scheme and Felisa Garcia’s role
Despite Anabel's death, Emilio Muñoz Guadix continued with the ransom plan to squeeze money out of her family. Between April 1993 and September 1995, he and Ortiz made 14 calls to the Segura family, demanding 150 million Spanish pesetas ($945,000).
To confirm that Anabel was alive, Emilio's wife, Felisa Garcia, made a tape message claiming to be the abducted young woman. The false tape was also sent to the family. Eventually, the police audio tape was released to the public in expectation of leads.
A resident of Escalona identified Ortiz Aon's voice, causing the trio to be arrested in September 1995. Felisa Garcia was found guilty as an accomplice for her role in the cover-up and impersonation. She spent six months in prison and then returned to her family and out of sight.
Candido Ortiz Aon: From accomplice to incarceration
The most important key player was Candido Ortiz Aon, a friend of Emilio's since childhood and a plumber. He helped Emilio Muñoz Guadix kidnap Anabel and was part of the decision to kill her. Candido was sentenced to 43 years in prison following his arrest in 1995.
He spent the first half of this period in Ocaña Prison in Toledo, but he died from natural causes while inside in 2009 at the age of 48. His death marked the end of his involvement in one of Spain’s most infamous crimes.
Emilio Muñoz Guadix's early release and public regret
Emilio Muñoz Guadix was then sentenced to spend 43 years in prison following his conviction. Through the European Human Rights law, his term was shortened. After serving for 18 years at the Herrera de La Mancha penitentiary, Emilio was released in 2013.
Emilio publicly expressed remorse upon his release and stated that he was driven by desperation caused by his financial situation. He confessed to having made "a serious mistake" and apologized to the family of his victim, Anabel, stating that "I would give ten years of my life so that this would not have happened."
According to TheCinemaholic, Emilio went back into a low profile with reports stating that he had been ailing when he was released.