Netflix released its experimental series Unlocked: A Jail Experiment on April 10, 2024. The unique format of the show followed a handful of inmates of Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility in Arkansas, as they were given more freedom and autonomy to run their lives as part of the experiment by Sheriff Eric Higgins.
Many of the inmates participating in the experiment changed for the better through the period of the filming of the series. One of the inmates, Jordan Parkinson, jailed for murder charges, was released on bond after the filming of Unlocked: A Jail Experiment was over. Set free from prison, Jordan is likely at home now.
Unlocked: A Jail Experiment is an analytical trial by Sheriff Higgins to test if less authority and more freedom would transform the attitude and reduce the tendency for repetitive crime in many inmates. Higgins wanted to empower them with responsibilities and hold them accountable for the consequences.
Who is Jordan Parkinson from Unlocked: A Jail Experiment?
In the series, Jordan Parkinson, seen within the Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility, was one of the inmates serving his sentence for murder. Booked in April 2022 for the murder of 21-year-old Jadon Shackleford, Jordan was in the facility for two years. He was 18 at the time of his arrest.
Hailey Shackleford, the mother of Jadon, believed there were more people involved in her son's killing. In December 2022, the Little Rock Police arrested two more suspects, Grant Nichol and Evan Franklin, connected to the Jadon murder case. They were charged with first-degree murder and terroristic acts, according to KATV.
As inquiry moved forward, the story of a drug deal gone wrong was revealed, as reported by Arkansas Online. Further investigations revealed that Evan Franklin fired the gunshot that killed Jadon. Jordan Parkinson was at the spot along with Grant Nichol.
What happened to Jordan after Unlocked: A Jail Experiment?
During Unlocked: A Jail Experiment, Jordan was inside the facility and was one of the participating inmates and was featured in the Netflix series. At the time, Jordan and his fellow accused, Grant, had been cooperating with the prosecutors on the Jadon murder case.
Prosecutors found Franklin guilty of the murder of Jadon Shackleford. Both Jordan and Grant helped in persuading the authorities and jury on the misconduct of Franklin. In return for their contribution and assistance, the charges against them were dropped and Jordan Parkinson and Grant Nichol were released from jail.
Set free from the charges and the prison, albeit on bond, Jordan Parkinson may have gone home since he is about 20 years old now.
What is Netflix's Unlocked: A Jail Experiment about?
In an attempt to look for solutions to repeat offenses and find an alternative to dreary prison facilities, Sheriff Higgins offered the inmates of a high-security prison a more relaxed living in exchange for good behavior.
The prisoners, who had previously been kept locked in solitary units for 23 hours, were moved to a team facility where they would take up responsibilities, be accountable for their actions, and be observed under surveillance.
The new setup was filmed for days to test the efficacy of the experiment and its theory. Compiled into a series, titled Unlocked: A Jail Experiment, Netflix released the show on April 10, 2024. As the participants showed transformation in their attitudes, actions, and practices, some inmates like Jordan worked their way to freedom.
Interested viewers can watch Unlocked: A Jail Experiment, currently streaming on Netflix.