The Real Murders on Elm Street takes viewers into the depths of horrifying real-life events that unfolded on America's Elm Streets. The latest episode titled "And We Have Serial Killers" delves into the brutal double murder of Tanner Pehl and Sarah Clark in 2008. This chilling crime shocked the small community of Spokane, Washington, when the two friends were found dead inside a burning home.
The Real Murders on Elm Street is available to stream on ID and Max, explores the investigation and captures the emotional toll on the victims’ families. Episodes are released every Monday.
The killer Justin Crenshaw, who was found guilty of these horrible crimes, used to be well acquainted with the victims. The story, which is full of tragedy and violence, is what this episode is all about.
At the age of 20, Crenshaw committed the murders that would change many lives forever. As people look more closely at the crime, they also want to know where Crenshaw is now and what happened in his trial. Justin Crenshaw is serving two life sentences at Walla Walla State Penitentiary, Washington.
The Real Murders on Elm Street: Where is Justin Crenshaw now?
Currently serving two life terms at Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla, Washington, Justin Crenshaw was convicted in 2010 for the premeditated killings of Tanner Pehl and Sarah Clark. Crenshaw's incarceration has been anything from quiet. In 2014, he faced additional charges for attempting to kill another inmate.
Despite his violent past, recent legal developments might alter his future, as Crenshaw became eligible for resentencing in 2023. This possibility stems from new laws considering brain development in young offenders.
Also Read: What is The Real Murders on Elm Street all about? Release date & time, synopsis, and more
The brutal murders on Elm Street
The Real Murders on Elm Street episode showcases the gruesome details of the night when Justin Crenshaw brutally murdered Tanner Pehl and Sarah Clark. The incident took place in February 2008, inside Tanner’s mother’s home. After an evening of socializing, an argument broke out between Crenshaw and Sarah.
It escalated to a horrifying attack, where Crenshaw stabbed her multiple times with a sword. He later attacked Tanner when he intervened, leaving both victims dead. Crenshaw tried to cover his tracks by setting the house on fire.
The trial and conviction
After detectives discovered a bloody fingerprint at the scene that matched Justin Crenshaw, his arrest came quickly. Crenshaw's defense sought to assert during the trial that alcohol caused severe blackouts for him.
He was found guilty of both murders since the case failed to persuade the jury otherwise. Crenshaw was sentenced to spend the rest of his life behind bars and was sentenced two life terms in August 2010.
The possibility of resentencing
In a surprising twist, Crenshaw became eligible for resentencing in 2023 due to a legal ruling that allows individuals who committed crimes before turning 20 to be resentenced. The ruling considers the impact of incomplete brain development on decision-making in young offenders.
This development outraged the victims’ families, particularly Sarah Clark’s parents, who were devastated by the possibility of Crenshaw’s sentence being reduced. While his fate remains uncertain, Crenshaw continues to serve his life sentences in Washington.
Impact on the victims’ families in The Real Murders on Elm Street
The Real Murders on Elm Street highlights the deep emotional scars left on the families of Tanner Pehl and Sarah Clark. Their deaths not only shocked the community but also left a lasting impact on their loved ones.
The interviews featured in the episode capture the ongoing pain and grief the families experience as they reflect on the tragic loss of two young lives. The possibility of Crenshaw’s resentencing has only intensified their suffering.
What’s next for The Real Murders on Elm Street series?
With gripping episodes like "And We Have Serial Killers," The Real Murders on Elm Street has captivated true-crime fans. The program keeps looking at horrific incidents from all around the nation, all connected to one of the several Elm Streets in America.
More shocking crimes and exploring the darker side of suburban life could feature in next episodes. The show offers a sobering reminder of how rapidly common streets might turn into scenes of unimaginable misery as more stories develop.
Serving two life sentences for the heinous murders of Tanner Pehl and Sarah Clark, Justin Crenshaw remains imprisoned. His narrative serves as a sobering reminder of the atrocities that took place on Elm Street in Spokane as depicted in The Real Murders.
Legal changes regarding young offenders could cause Crenshaw to be resentful even though the victims' families suffer continuous suffering. The Real Murders on Elm Street will surely delve into more terrifying stories that leave viewers wondering about the fragility of suburban American life.