Netflix’s new three-part documentary, The Manhattan Alien Abduction, delves into the alleged Alien abduction of Linda Napolitano on November 30, 1989. This limited series released on October 30, has videos and audio footage related to the case, witness testimonies, and more to add to the narrative that has been shrouded in mystery.
Linda, who is now 77, lives in New York. She features in this documentary and tells her side of the alien abduction in detail.
Linda Napolitano was abducted on November 30, 1989
As shown in The Manhattan Alien Abduction, Linda Napolitano was abducted by aliens on the night of November 30, 1989, from her bedroom in Lower Manhattan.
She claimed that she saw three extraterrestrial creatures in her bedroom that night, after which she became paralyzed and could not move. Following this, she was spotted floating outside her window, being pulled by a spaceship, that was drawing Linda towards itself.
In the docuseries, The Manhattan Alien Abduction, it was also revealed that there were 23 witnesses that night, who also saw Linda outside her window, getting magically lifted. There was a complete blackout, and the sky looked colorful and magical, as per witnesses. Many who saw Linda Napolitano floating could not believe if it was real, or a scene from a movie.
Linda Napolitano claims that the aliens experimented on her and also put a sharp object in her nose. A few other witnesses, who also claimed to be abducted by aliens, alleged the same.
When Linda did an x-ray of her nose, there was something found inside, and the doctor she went to told her that she had nose surgery and the mark on her nose was because of a scalpel cut. However, Linda never had any surgery of that sort. The object in her nose later vanished, adding more to this mystery.
Linda also claimed that she was abducted by aliens one more time when she went on a holiday. The aliens abducted her and experimented on her, after which she found herself lying in the middle of a forest with her nose bleeding.
Linda Napolitano was hypnotized by ufologist Budd Hopkins
Budd Hopkins, who took an interest in Linda’s case, hypnotized her and several other witnesses of the event. In The Manhattan Alien Abduction, when Budd hypnotizes her, we see Linda narrating the alien abduction in a trance. She says:
"I’m afraid of that thing. They keep getting closer and closer... I feel like electricity went through me. I can’t see anything. I sense something. I feel a numbness crawl up from my toes. There is someone in my room. I don’t want to go, but I’m going. I’m outside. It’s weird. I’m standing up on nothing, and they take me up, all the way...looking up into a volcano and I’m inside... I’m going to shut my eyes. What are they going to do to me?”
To date, Linda’s case remains one of the most important cases of alien abduction, which remains unsolved. Budd, in his book Witnessed: The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions (1996), shared Linda’s story with everyone. Over the years, many documentaries and TV shows have covered this case, and now Netflix does it once more with this 3-part limited documentary.
Linda Napolitano, whose past alien abduction experience still haunts her to date, reveals on The Manhattan Alien Abduction that:
.."These aliens, these creatures, if they want you, they are gonna get you."
The Manhattan Alien Abduction is now streaming on Netflix.