Prime Target, a miniseries premiered on Apple TV+ on January 22, 2025. The story follows Edward Brooks, a brilliant postgraduate mathematician. He uncovers a never-known pattern in prime numbers. The academic feel of Cambridge and the lively energy of London makes the series more aptly connected with the events.
The series, directed by Brady Hood and created by Steve Thompson, started with two episodes called A New Pattern and Syracuse. Its interesting story and great performances, especially by Leo Woodall as Edward Brooks, have attracted a lot of attention. The places chosen for filming show the story's themes of math and conspiracy.
The filming of Prime Target was carried out in picturesque locations across England, adding a unique authenticity to the series. Here’s a closer look at the filming sites and how they contribute to the storyline.
Exploring the filming locations of Prime Target
Filming in Cambridge
The historic city of Cambridge played a central role in Prime Target. Known for its prestigious University of Cambridge, the city served as a fitting backdrop for Edward Brooks’ academic pursuits.
Filming locations included The Backs, a scenic area with gardens and lawns alongside the River Cam, as well as Trinity Lane and Free School Lane. Scenes were also shot at St. John’s College and Garret Hostel Lane.
Kent’s picturesque landscapes
In Kent, the Eurotunnel Le Shuttle terminal was a standout location, with drone shots capturing its architectural design. The large landscapes and famous wind turbines in this area made important scenes in the series visually striking.
Windsor and its historic appeal
Windsor in Berkshire comes with a historic and charming setting for the series. Alma Road portrays the beauty of this royal town. Being close to Windsor Castle made the story more interesting with a touch of traditions and modern life.
London’s urban energy
London, the capital of England, was an important filming location for Prime Target. London, with its modern production facilities and famous landmarks, was the ideal place for filming more scenes.
Prime Target: Looking into the storyline of the series
The story focuses on Edward Brooks, a talented math student at Cambridge researching on prime numbers. Edward's new ideas about the strange properties of prime numbers catch the interest of powerful groups and secret organizations.
The series begins with a tragic explosion in Baghdad that reveals an underground site connected to ancient knowledge. The markings found there relate to Edward's research, which leads to a series of events that put him in danger.
His mentor, Professor Mallinder, first ignores Edward’s discoveries but later gets involved in their consequences. Mallinder ruins Edward's work and then mysteriously dies, raising suspicions that something bad happened.
Meanwhile, NSA agents Ricky Olson and Taylah Sanders are watching Edward and other scholars because they worry their research might be used as a digital weapon.
As Edward explores further, he finds hidden messages, ignored information, and the role of the mysterious Kaplar Institute. The situation gets worse when Olson is killed, and Taylah barely avoids an attack, forcing Edward to face a difficult journey by himself.
Cast of Prime Target
The promunent cast of the miniseries, Prime Target, are as follows:
- Leo Woodall as Edward Brooks
- Quintessa Swindell as Taylah Sanders
- Sidse Babett Knudsen as Professor Andrea Lavin
- David Morrissey as Professor Robert Mallinder
- Stephen Rea as Professor James Alderman
- Fra Fee as Adam Mellor
- Joseph Mydell as Professor Raymond Osborne
- Sofia Barclay as Safiya Zamil
- Tom Stourton as Ricky Olson
- Harry Lloyd as Andrew Carter
- Ali Suliman as Dr. Akram Nizar
- Daisy Waterstone as Fiona Carey
- Tom Byrne as Tom Grayson
- Emily Renée as Charlotte Lambert
Prime Target is available to stream on Apple TV+.