Reacher is an action-packed crime television series on Amazon Prime Video, based on the Jack Reacher novels by Lee Child. The first season, released on February 4, 2022, followed the novel Killing Floor, while the second, based on Bad Luck and Trouble, aired between December 15, 2023, and January 19, 2024.
The Amazon series follows former U.S. Army military police major Jack Reacher as he wanders the country, often getting into dangerous situations. In season 1, Jack arrives in Margrave, Georgia, and is arrested for a fake murder. He teams up with Oscar Finlay and Roscoe Conklin to uncover a conspiracy involving corrupt law enforcement, politicians and a powerful family after proving his innocence.
Discovering deep-seated corruption and a counterfeit money operation forces, Reacher to use his sharp intellect and formidable combat skills.
Jack goes back to his roots in season 2 when a former member of his now-defunct military police unit contacts him. He gets his old team back together after a close friend is killed in mysterious circumstances. They get involved with a lot of illegal activities in New York City and Arkansas as they try to find justice for their dead friend.
As they deal with dangerous enemies and shady allies, Jack's unwavering sense of justice pushes the team forward. There's a lot of action, smart problem-solving and Reacher's relentless drive to fight injustice in every season.
The show’s realistic and immersive locations have been a significant part of its success. It's mainly shot in Canada, creating the fictional town of Margrave, Georgia. The series extensively uses Ontario, Canada, for its setting. Key locations include Port Perry, Toronto and Pickering. These areas were transformed into the picturesque yet sinister town of Margrave.
Even scenes supposedly set in New York and Atlanta were filmed in Toronto. From the bustling streets of Toronto to the quaint charm of Port Perry, the Canadian locations bring the Reacher universe to life.
Reacher season 1 locations and scene details
1) Pickering
The fictitious town of Margrave, Georgia, was mostly based on an area near Pickering, Ontario, used asa the background for many general town scenes. By using a b-roll and quick establishing shots, Pickering's surroundings helped create the feeling of a peaceful southern town.
The temporary village outside of Pickering created the small-town feel that was important to how the show portrayed Margrave and made sure that the story stayed consistent throughout the season.
2) Kingston Penitentiary
Kingston Penitentiary in Kingston was used to film the first scenes where Jack is arrested and taken to jail. This museum, which used to be a prison, created a real and clean setting that worked well for the show's tense beginnings.
The historical importance of Kingston Penitentiary added another layer of depth, and the carefully chosen setting gave viewers a realistic look at life in prison.
3) Dundas Street, Toronto
The Lakeview Restaurant, located at 1132 Dundas Street W, was a frequent occurrence in both the Margrave and Memphis scenes. The central conflict of the show is established during a critical moment when Jack is enjoying a slice of pie before his arrest.
The diner also reappears in a later scene when he encounters Frances Neagley, providing fans a nostalgic touch and continuity as they observe the recurring location.
4) Maple Leaf Motel, Scarborough
This motel is prominently featured in a critical scene in which Jack and Roscoe check in during a storm while chasing a lead.
In the midst of the series' darker themes, their playful conversation about dancing to Patsy Cline's music offers a lighter moment. The motel, despite its brief use, becomes a memorable location as it captures a more personal side of the characters.
5) Stratford Suburban Motel
Jack engages in a confrontation with three individuals who are causing trouble in the parking lot of the Stratford Suburban Motel during one of the most intense scenes of the season.
Dim lighting and a secluded setting contribute to the tension of the scene. In stark contrast to the series' depiction, the actual motel is renowned for its tranquil atmosphere and proximity to the picturesque Queens Park, despite the violent confrontation.
6) Port Perry
Port Perry is featured in numerous scenes, like a romantic encounter outside Roscoe's apartment and a confrontation at a nearby diner.
The small-town atmosphere of Margrave was portrayed through the use of Perry Street and Queen Street. The series' intimate and intense moments were captured in this town due to its authentic charm.
Reacher season 2 locations and scene details
7) Brampton
Season 2 was set against a novel urban landscape in Brampton, a city located within the Greater Toronto Area.
Although the specifics of the scene aren't disclosed, the city's streets and buildings provide a dynamic contrast to the small-town atmosphere of Margrave. The expanded narrative of the season was facilitated by the versatile setting of Brampton, which combines modernity and history.
8) Hamilton
The second season gained a sense of serenity and historical richness from the scenes that were filmed in Hamilton.
The show's aesthetic was furthered by the picturesque settings of Hamilton, which is renowned for its conservation areas and museums. In contrast to Toronto's lively atmosphere, the city's tranquil atmosphere contributed to the season's array of locations.
9) Cayuga
Several intimate settings were provided for season 2 in this small community in Haldimand County, Ontario.
The essence of small-town life was captured through the use of locations like Village Green and The Thrifty Dresser for quieter scenes. Cayuga's unassuming charm and distinctive features, like its association with auto racing, rendered it a memorable addition to the series' filming locations.
Reacher weaves captivating stories into stunning settings as each location adds authenticity, from bustling cityscapes to peaceful small towns, making it a must-watch for action and crime drama fans who await Jack's adventures and unique settings.
Reacher is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.