Tia Evans's ex-boyfriend Akshaya Kubiak brutally killed Harleen Dulai in July 2020. This homicide is the focus of Sin City Gigolo: A Murder in Las Vegas, a three-part docuseries, which was added to Paramount+ + on March 4, 2025.
Akshaya Kubiak, also known as Ash Armand, was under the influence of psychedelic mushrooms when he murdered Harleen Dulai in his condo in block 8400 of Blackstone Ridge Court in Las Vegas.
Tia Evans, who Armand was dating at the time of the murder, was accused by Armand’s attorney Whitney Wester, of killing Harleen in his apartment. However, Tia wasn’t considered a suspect in the investigation.
As reported by Cinemaholic, as of 2024, Tia Evans is living in Las Vegas and has gained fame for her modelling career. She was nominated for the title of Model of the Year at the Model Achievement Awards in 2024.
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How was Tia Evans linked to Harleen Dulai's murder?
According to Refinery29, Akshaya Kubiak, star of the reality TV show Gigolos, called 911 at 10 am on July 16, 2020. Akshaya Kubiak, also known as Ash Armand in the reality show, told 911 that a dead woman was lying next to him. He claimed that the woman, Harleen Dulai, and he took a couple of psychedelic mushrooms and were in “trans-different realities” and when he got up, Harleen was dead.
When first responders arrived, they discovered Armand giving Harleen chest compressions in his bedroom while having 911 on-call guiding him through the CPR process as he claimed that she had a heart attack.
However, according to the first responders, Harleen's face seemed to be heavily bruised and her body was covered with candle wax. There was also a suitcase and a black shirt with blood spattered on it near her, as per Refinery29.
Upon being questioned about Harleen’s bruising, Armand alleged that she had attacked him first and he defended himself, resulting in her getting bruised. During the investigation, authorities found blood in the washing machine, along with clothes covered in blood. There were blood stains on the bathroom and a blood-soaked towel. They also found a dagger along his bedside, as well as a pocket knife. Authorities even found psychedelic mushrooms in the fridge.
When Armand was searched for injuries, authorities only found a tiny cut on his middle finger and blood in her ears. Authorities had enough evidence to prove him as the killer, but his attorney had other plans.
Whitney Wester, Armand’s attorney, claimed that his former girlfriend Tia Evans allegedly killed Harleen, while Armand and Harleen were out on psychedelic mushrooms.
According to Wester, Tia’s motive for killing Harleen was to get back into Armand's life. However, Tia claimed that on the night of the killing, she was staying at M Resort Spa and Casino, as Armand and she were having problems in their relationship. She said that the only time she had been to Armand’s condo was the morning after the murder, when the place was filled with police.
Tia Evans and Armand started dating and moved in together in Armand’s condo in Blackstone Ridge Court in Las Vegas in 2020. After a couple of months, their steady relationship started to take a downturn, due to Armand's work in escorting services to women.
Tia moved out of the condo, right before Armand got himself involved in Harleen’s murder case. Tia did not become a suspect in the case and Wester’s claims were proven untrue.
According to People, Armand was arrested in July 2020, and in 2021, at his trial, he claimed that he and Harleen had taken psychedelic mushrooms and they blacked out, insisting that he had no memory of harming her. Armand was sentenced to forty years in prison for the murder of Harleen Dulai in December 2021.
Where is Tia Evans now?
After moving on with her life, Tia Evan enjoys her time by travelling and spending time with her friends, as seen on her social media. Over the years she has grown as an influencer and model. In 2024, she was nominated for the Model of the Year at the Model Achievement Awards.
As per Cinemaholic, as of 2024, Tia Evans still lives in Las Vegas and is focused on her modelling career.
To learn more about this case, stream Sin City Gigolo: A Murder in Las Vegas on Paramount+.