The Green Veil is a new series that is currently making waves and receiving considerable attention online. With only two episodes out so far, the show, which is an anthology series, exposes the lies and oppression within the American dream chased by immigrants.
John Leguizamo will star in his first leading role in a television series withThe Green Veil. TV Insider's synopsis for the show reads:
"A government agent in the 1950s is tasked with an unravelling secret mission that threatens to expose deeper secrets. Leguizamo plays Gordon Rogers, an immigrant who came to the US as a child and dedicated his life to achieving the American Dream. He experiences both an insidious obsession with that dream and the societal limitations it places upon certain groups."
With its first two episodes having premiered on April 30, The Green Veil is available to stream on The Network.
Where to stream The Green Veil? All about the new streaming platform
The new series starring John Leguizamo is currently available to watch on the brand new streaming service The Network, accessible only in the United States as of now.
The Network, which was launched on April 30, 2024, is an ad-supported platform created by Aram Rappaport. Its tagline states, "Always Original, Always Free." TV Insider reports that the service:
"Seeks to declutter the streaming experience, eliminating audiences’ endless scrolling to find appealing series and films."
Reported to be free with no monthly charges, as opposed to the rest of the streaming platforms, The Network will be available on all devices across Apple, Android, Roku, Amazon Fire, and the web in the US. As per the company:
"The service will deliver two new offerings at a time, nothing more."
Scheduled to release dramas on Tuesdays and comedies on Thursdays, the two original offerings by The Network currently are The Green Veil and Chivalry.
The Green Veil, all episodes release dates
The first four episodes of the new drama series were exclusively screened at Variety's TV FYC Screening Series on April 26 in West Hollywood. Following the launch of The Network on April 30, The Green Veil released its first two episodes on the same day for viewers to watch for free.
Here is a list of release dates for all the remaining episodes:
- Episode 3 - Tuesday, May 7
- Episode 4 - Tuesday, May 14
- Episode 5 - Tuesday, May 21
- Episode 6 - Tuesday, May 28
- Episode 7 - Tuesday, June 4
- Episode 8 - Tuesday, June 11
The British comedy Chivalry, will premiere on May 2 with episodes airing every Thursday.
The cast of the new series, explored
According to The Network creator Aram Rappoport, who is also the creator and showrunner of the show, the lead character Gordon was written specifically with John Leguizamo in mind.
The full list of the cast is given below:
- John Leguizamo as Gordon Rogers
- John Ortiz as Gilberto Sutton
- Hani Furstenberg as Mabel Rogers
- Irene Bedard as Glennie Sutton
- Isabelle Poloner as Abbie
- Steven Boyer as Edward Boon
- Marco Torriani as Joseph Crosby
The Green Veil is available to watch exclusively on The Network in the United States.