The Listeners is a new BBC drama series that premiered on November 19, 2024. The show follows Claire Kutty (Rebecca Hall), an English teacher who begins hearing a persistent humming sound that no one else around her can detect. The four-part series chronicles her journey and relationships as she navigates a life with this secret, creating new experiences and bonds.
The show is based on the real-life concept of 'The Hum,' a persistent and invasive low-frequency noise that is claimed to be heard only by some people around the world. This can be caused by certain external factors as well as biological ones.
The series is written by Jordan Tannahill, who also wrote the 2021 novel of the same name. The Listeners is largely based on Tannahill's novel, with some changes such as the setting from the U.S. to the U.K. and the familial life of the lead character.
All episodes of the series are available to stream on BBC iPlayer. The first episode also aired on BBC One on November 19, and subsequent episodes will be released on Tuesdays on the channel.
Read along to learn about all the streaming options for The Listeners.
When and where to watch The Listeners?
The Listeners initially premiered on September 11 at the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival. Later, all the four episodes were released on BBC iPlayer on 19 November 2024. It is a free-to-stream service for viewers based in the U.K.
Alternatively, BBC is releasing an episode weekly on BBC One at 9 pm. The schedule for the same is as follows -
- Episode 1 - Tuesday, November 19
- Episode 2 - Tuesday, November 26
- Episode 3 - Tuesday, December 3
- Episode 4 - Tuesday, December 10
There are no streaming options available for audiences outside of the U.K. yet. However, interested viewers can use a VPN to access the episodes.
BBC Studios has developed the project in collaboration with the Irish production company, Element Pictures. The series is directed by Janicza Bravo. Bravo's notable credits include Gregory Go Boom, Lemon, and Zola.
The cast of The Listeners
The cast of the mini-series is as follows -
- Rebecca Hall as Claire Kutty
- Ollie West as Kyle Francis
- Prasanna Puwanarajah as Paul Kutty
- Akai Coleman as Rory
- Mia Tharia as Ashley Kutty
- Franc Ashman as Cassandra
- Lucy Chambers as Sophie
- Romy Kelleher as Raina
- Niamh McCann as Siobhan
- Delroy Brown as Aldo
- Gayle Rankin as Jo
- Amr Waked as Omar
- Samuel Edward-Cook as Damian
What is the plot of The Listeners?
The plot for each episode as revealed by BBC is as follows:
Episode 1
In the first episode of the show, Claire Kutty, a secondary school English teacher starts hearing a low and unnerving sound on her way to drop her daughter Ashley. Her discomfort increases as she starts getting migraines, nosebleeds, insomnia, and visions because of the noise. No one around her relates to her, and she consults doctors for possible medical reasons, but to no avail.
The official logline of episode 1 reads:
"After weeks of feeling increasingly isolated and on edge, Claire is approached by one of her students and Ashley's classmate, Kyle Francis, who tells Claire he can also hear the sound."
Episode 2
The official logline of episode 2 reads:
"Claire and Kyle discover a group of other people who not only can hear the hum but want to embrace it. However, Kyle’s mother finds out about their meetings."
Episode 3
The official logline of episode 3 reads:
"Unable to experience the hum the way the others can, and increasingly guilty about her relationship with Kyle, Claire has a crisis."
Episode 4
The official logline of episode 4 reads:
"Claire finally loses herself in the hum as the outside world closes in on the group. One last group session ends in tragedy."
The producer of The Listeners is Ed King. Apart from Tannahill and Bravo, the executive producers are Ed Guiney, Andrew Lowe, Chelsea Morgan Hoffmann, Rachel Dargavel for Element Pictures, Rebecca Ferguson for BBC, and Alice Birch.
Stay tuned for more details on international broadcasts for The Listeners.