White Lies is a South African crime thriller series set in Cape Town. It stars Game of Thrones actress Natalie Dormer as an investigative journalist Edie Hansen. When her estranged brother is murdered in his palatial home in Cape Town, Hansen gets entangled in the investigation when her brother's children emerge as the prime suspects.
This leads her to often clash with Detective Forty Bell, who is assigned to the case. What follows is an action-packed sequence of events as Hansen explores the city's dark underbelly that exposes crime, corruption, and the secret world of the uber-rich in Cape Town.
White Lies was filmed in Bishopscourt in Cape Town in South Africa to authentically capture this suburb's essence, culture, and picturesque landscape in the Western Cape province.
Where was White Lies filmed?
1) Bishopscourt, Cape Town, South Africa
Bishopscourt is a small residential suburb located in Cape Town in the Western Cape province of South Africa. This location is known for housing affluent families. The name was given to this area because it is the official residence of the Archbishop of Cape Town.
With an area of approximately 4000 sqm, Bishopscourt is nestled on the slopes of Table Mountain. In the past, it was also a European settlement at the Cape of Good Hope. In 2015, Bishopscourt was ranked as the sixth richest suburb in South Africa.
In White Lies, Bishopscourt plays a central theme since it houses the rich families of South Africa. Her wealthy brother's death forces Hansen to confront her past and reconcile with her niece and nephew.
2) Western Cape, South Africa
Some of the show's other scenes are shot in the Western Cape, a province located in the southwestern corner of South Africa. The breathtaking views of mountain ranges with diverse flora make this landscape a captivating location for the series.
Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Dormer talked about how shooting in South Africa was an enriching experience. She said:
"I’m thrilled to be in Cape Town and begin this beautiful, gripping show. South Africa has so much to offer an international audience in its storytelling. I’m truly excited to bring Darrel’s eight-episode page-turner to life with such a group of talented directors, led by John, and a superb ensemble cast."
Waldimar Pelser, the director of premium channels at M-Net, where White Lies was broadcasted, told the same publication that while Cape Town is an iconic city blessed with natural beauty, there are also hidden undercurrents that are explored in this miniseries.
About White Lies
White Lies is a crime thriller that exposes the crumbling police force, corrupt political system, and the secret world of the affluent communities in South Africa.
The eight-episode series also touches upon the themes of race, privilege, and identity. It showcases the deep chasm between the well-do-people and those struggling to make ends meet.
Besides Dormer, White Lies also stars Brendon Daniels as Detective Forty Bell, Langley Kirkwood as Andrew McKenzie, Daniel Schultz as Daniel McKenzie, Morgan Santo as Jaime McKenzie, and Robert Hobbs as Mackey.
The series was broadcasted by M-Net in South Africa and STAN in Australia in April this year. In the US, it debuts on AMC+ and Sundance Now on December 5, 2024.
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