South African crime thriller White Lies is finally coming to the US, with the series debuting on AMC+ and Sundance Now on December 5, 2024. The show, which first came out in South Africa and other select regions in April this year, was highly anticipated since The Tudors' Natalie Dormer was reported to be starring in it in 2023.
Sean Steinberg is credited as the show's creator, with the script written by the award-winning Darrel Bristow-Bovey. It's an eight-part series described as an "urgent exploration of race and privilege, inequality and identity."
Set in a wealthy neighborhood in Cape Town, Dormer plays investigative journalist Edie Hansen, who gets in the middle of investigating her estranged brother's murder. Joining her in the cast is the award-winning South African actor Brendon Daniels, and more.
When will White Lies release?
White Lies drops on streaming platforms for US audiences on Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 3:01 am Eastern Time or 12:01 am Pacific Time. Two episodes are scheduled for the premiere, with a new episode released weekly on Thursdays.
Refer to the table below for the expected release schedule of every episode:
Where to watch White Lies
White Lies drops on streaming platforms for US and Canadian viewers exclusively via Sundance Now and AMC+. It means the show won't be available to stream anywhere else.
First-time Sundance Now users can subscribe to the platform for as low as $6.99 a month with a free trial for seven days. Meanwhile, ad-supported AMC+ subscriptions start at $4.99 monthly, with ad-free plans costing $8.99 monthly.
Cast and characters in the series
Below is the list of recurring cast members and their characters in the series:
- Natalie Dormer as Edie Hansen
- Brendon Daniels as Forty Bell
- Kiroshan Naidoo as Edgar Ray
- Daniel Schultz as Daniel McKenzie
- Daniel Janks as Avi Kapilevich
- Sunny Yoon as Greta
- Roxanne Prentice as Young Olivia
- Clayton Evertson as Morgan Witbool
- Taryn Hess as Olivia's Nurse
- Gavin Jones as the driver
- Ivan Abrahams as Banjo
- Zena Forster as the woman passenger
- Thulani Nzonzo as Tendai
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Plot summary
Natalie Dormer leads the murder mystery series as Edie Hansen, an investigative journalist who gets caught in the ugly underbelly of Bishopcourt, a wealthy neighborhood in Cape Town, South Africa. The series revolves around her trying to get to the bottom of her estranged brother's sudden death inside his luxury residence.
Her brother's murder brings Edie back into her turbulent past and her brother's even more turbulent present, as his teenage children become prime suspects for his death. The official logline also teases Edie's drama-packed investigation of her brother's unsolved murder mystery, which reads:
"As Edie investigates, she finds herself at loggerheads with veteran detective Forty Bell, and grapples with the crumbling local police force, a corrupt political system, and the secretive world of extreme Cape Town wealth."
Stay tuned for more news and updates on White Lies as 2024 progresses.
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