Smiling Friends is an animated television series that runs on Adult Swim, Cartoon Network's mature animated series segment. Created by Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack, the show's debut season premiered on January 10, 2022. Its second installment aired from April 1 to June 24, 2024.
The official summary for the show reads:
"Smiling Friends follows the employees (Charlie and Pim) of a small company dedicated to bringing happiness to a bizarre yet colorful world."
Another interesting character in the show is Charlie Dompler's girlfriend, Zoey, who first appeared in season 1 episode 4 titled A Silly Halloween Special. Known for her unique personality, Zoey shares a very love-hate relationship with Charlie where they are often seen bickering. However, at other times, they are a peace-loving couple who enjoy each other's company.
Zoey's character is voiced by Monica Franco, a renowned voice artist known for her contributions to projects such as Mashed (2015-2016), Final Fantasy VII: Machinabridged (2015-2017), and Hazbin Hotel (2019).
Besides Zoey, Franco also lends her voice to Wendy Worm and Waitress in the same show.
Zoey is Charlie's girlfriend in Smiling Friends
Zoey is a recurring character in Smiling Friends. She is presumably a 20-something Caucasian woman with a height similar to her boyfriend, Charlie. She dons an unkept ponytail most of the time in the series. She also wears spectacles.
She is a no-nonsense woman who does not believe in holding back from expressing her thoughts and emotions. In season 1 episode 4, when Charlie doesn't dress up for the Halloween event, Zoey clearly shows that she is irritated with his decision.
On another occasion, Zoey expresses her love and grief for Charlie when he momentarily dies in episode 8. Hence, the episode is titled Charlie Dies and Doesn't Come Back.
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Does Zoey appear in Smiling Friends season 2?
Zoey does not appear for most of Smiling Friends season 2. Her character briefly appears only in episode 8 (finale) titled Pim Finally Turns Green.
Her appearance came as a surprise to many fans as the show's creators had previously said at the San Diego Comic-Con 2022 (July) that Zoey had been run over by a bulldozer and died. Since her appearance on the show, it has been established that the makers of the show were joking about the future of the character.
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Plot overview
The plot for the dark comedy chronicles the absurdist encounters of Charlie and Pim and others who are part of a small charitable company.
Charlie and his group of friends' task is to bring joy to the people around them. Their small company has a helpline number that people can call on and the protagonists attempt to bring back their happiness.
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Will there be a season 3 of the show?
While season 2 of the show was still airing, the showmakers confirmed that a third season was along the way. This announcement came on June 13 during the 2024 Annecy International Film Festival. Although they did not reveal any dates for the same, fans are excited to see Charlie, Pim, and his friends appear on screen again.
Seasons 1 and 2 of Smiling Friends are currently available on Max and Amazon Prime.