Bluey is undoubtedly one of the most popular animated shows on television right now. Premiered on ABC Kids on October 1, 2018, the show recently got done with its third season on April 21, 2024. Following the season's completion, ABC Kids has been releasing a series of mini-episodes ranging somewhere between one and three minutes.
The release of mini-episodes is not the only way the ABC Kids series steps away from the regular pattern of animated television shows. It also does so with the occasional release of special episodes now and then. Among them, mention must be made of the 28-minute special episode that was released during the show's third season, titled The Sign.
Until the release of the April 14, 2024, episode, the show had often been criticized for not being inclusive enough. However, that changed when the show subtly hinted at its first gay couple of the series via the mention of Pretzel's moms.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers. Please read at your discretion.
Fans of Bluey are happy with the first LGBTQ+ representation on the show
The makers of Bluey shut down years of claims of not being politically correct enough with their special episode released on April 14, 2024. During one of the most vulnerable moments in the episode, where the kids were discussing their life's disappointments, Pretzel, one of the show's supporting characters, said something that was missed by most of the viewers.
While narrating how his guinea pig ran away, he briefly mentions his moms, who have assured him that his pig will return. This particular scene was heavily dissected on social media, especially by people who fell within the LBTQ+ group or are allies. A social media user named Margie uploaded a video of TikTok in which she talked about the welcome change in the show. She said:
"Pretzel is talking about his guinea pig running away, he says my mums. He has two mums and that’s the first gay or lesbian or LGBTQ+ couple confirmed in the show. I love it! I think it was a nice and organic way to do it. It is a really subtle [moment], that a lot of people will miss. It was a natural way to be like some people have two mums and that’s just part of real life.”
The comments section under the video was filled with several positive messages from people who were ecstatic over the subtle introduction of the show's first gay couple. One of them said:
"GAY DOGS IN BLUEY!!! IM SO GLAD FOR THIS. As a person who lived with his mom and her gf at one point in time, I think this is great.”
“THIS IS SO F**KING AWESOME,” another comment read.
Also Read: 7 inclusive kids TV shows that celebrate diversity.
Will there be season 4 of Bluey?
As confirmed by series producer Sam Moor to BBC Radio in April 2024, Bluey is all set to have a fourth season in the future. Although she did not delve into further details of the upcoming season, she ensured that the show did not come to an end with its third season. She also said:
"...I'm sure we have many more surprises in store for you. We have more in store and we are thinking what would be next."
Also Read: Emily in Paris season 4 will arrive in two parts, release dates revealed.
Bluey is not the only animated show that introduced audiences to LGBTQ+ characters. Previously, Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol also did the same. If everything works right, audiences can expect to see more queer characters in the show in the future.