My Brilliant Friend is an Italian coming-of-age drama show that has made a name for itself over the last three seasons. Created by Saverio Costanzo, the show is based on the Neapolitan novels written by Elena Ferrante and focuses on a woman recounting her friendship with a girl she met in the 50s.
With the fourth and final season premiering last week, fans got to see a new actor play Franco Mari. In My Brilliant Friend, Franco Mari is an introvert who joined the main group of friends in season 2. He was introduced through Lenu to the group and fell in love with her as well.
His character goes through various tragedies over the course of the show and was even rendered blind last season by a rowdy group of friends. While up till season 3, Franco Mari was portrayed by Bruno Orlando in the series, the character was later recast in season 4 to be played by Stefano Dionisi.
The reason for the recast primarily originates from the show jumping ahead in time and wanting to portray an older version of the character. Dionisi played the role in the first two episodes of the recent and final season.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for My Brilliant Friend season 4 and mentions self-harm as well. Reader's discretion is advised.
Actors who portrayed Franco Mari in My Brilliant Friend explored
My Brilliant Friend just entered its fourth and final season. However, after the end of season 3, the show leaped forward in time. Season 4 takes place a few years after season 3. Previously, Franco Mari was portrayed by actor Bruno Orlando in seasons 2 and 3.
A rising and young Italian star on his own, aside from appearing in 2 seasons of My Brilliant Friend, Orland has appeared in many other features like Trust, Lost Places, Frontiera, and Romantic Guide.
However, he did not return for season 4 and Franco Mari was portrayed by actor Stefano Dionisi in My Brilliant Friend season 4. Having a large filmography, Dionisi is a well-established actor who has appeared in many Italian projects and has made quite a name for himself too.
Aside from the series in question, Dionisi can be seen in other projects like Inspector Nardone, Anti-Drug Squad, Hotel Alexandria, and more.
What happens to Franco Mari in My Brilliant Friend season 4?
With Franco Mari having gone through a life of pain, he unfortunately ended up taking his own life, unable to bear any more suffering. When Nino came back into Lenu's life, he asked her to take him back. However, with the interaction taking a turn for the worse, Franco eventually intervened and suggested that Lenu should perhaps take Nino back in.
However, this enraged Lenu further who then turned her sights to Franco and shut him out causing him great dismay. When Lenu and her daughters are hanging out on an evening, Franco enters the room and gives Lenu advice on love and forgiveness.
This interaction then turned into the final time they would ever meet each other as Franco then took his life concluding his story here.
The show is available to stream on HBO Max.