Unsolved Mysteries volume 5 created by Skye Borgman opens with the tragic tale of two friends, Kate Brown and Carnell Sledge, in the first episode titled Park Bench Murders. As their story unfolds, investigators and family members try to figure out what happened to them and why they died. The two were killed at the Cleveland, Ohio, Rocky River Reservation on June 4, 2019.
The focal point of this episode follows several unresolved cases. Unsolved Mysteries delves into the lives of Kate and Carnell and the investigation surrounding their deaths, exploring various aspects of the murders.
Viewers are left with a single, haunting question: Who was responsible for the deaths of Kate and Carnell? Despite ongoing investigations, no definitive solutions have been identified.
The official synopsis of the episode includes,
"Two friends were shot dead at a busy park on a June day, but the killer escaped unseen. Grieving families are on a hunt for clues about the brazen crime."
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the series. Read at your own risk.
The shocking discovery of two deaths at the beginning of Unsolved Mysteries Volume 5
On a June afternoon in 2019, two kayakers found the bodies of Kate and Carnell near the water's edge in Rocky River Reservation. Although both individuals were shot, no property was taken from them, which removed the possibility of a robbery. The sudden meeting between the two individuals was the subject of speculation due to their close friendship.
It was around 4:30 p.m. when Kate left the gym and Carnell left his workplace. At 5:08 p.m., they were in the park. The uncanny fact is that both of them were found dead at around 5:22 p.m. Carnell was supposed to attend a family gathering that day around 5. But why they decided to meet, was unclear.
Theories and suspects explored
Unsolved Mysteries presents a variety of theories regarding the perpetrator of the crime. According to Don Sylvis of the Cleveland Metroparks Police Department, Alyssa, Carnell's former girlfriend, was extremely helpful with investigators. Despite her possession of a gun, it was determined that it was not the weapon of the crime.
Additionally, investigators confirmed that Alyssa was at work at that time, creating a strong alibi. Kate's recent dating history elicited suspicions; however, no one from her past appeared to be involved. The case was left with no solid leads after a man Kate had recently met and had described as "off" was also ruled out as a suspect.
Unanswered questions
To date, the sole reason why this case was not solved was that no one witnessed the crime. A roofer was there in his truck, just a few feet away. However, he denied that he had observed abnormalities or heard gunshots. Rocky River Reservation, a popular destination, was in full swing at the time. Still, no additional eyewitnesses were identified.
The crime may have been concealed from passersby because the bench where the murders took place had been outlined by a tree. No one observed the events that transpired between Kate and Carnell.
The motive for the murders has been the subject of speculation, ranging from jealousy to a potential hate crime. Kate's family suspected that an abusive ex-boyfriend may have been involved; however, he had a solid alibi. The killings may have been random or racially motivated, as Carnell was African American and Cleveland has a history of acts of racial violence.
Investigation into Kate and Carnell’s deaths
The investigation into the deaths of Kate and Carnell is ongoing, even though progress has been slow. Cleveland Metroparks Police Chief Kelly Stillman, as reported by Unsolved Mysteries, stated that the investigation was being expanded to a broader audience to identify new leads.
This case is yet to achieve a breakthrough, despite the efforts made. The families of both victims are still mourning their loved ones and are hoping for a resolution.
Lauren, Kate's sister, shared on Unsolved Mysteries about how great Kate's future could be. She used to be full of life and happiness, and she was enjoying a time of self-discovery before she passed away too young. Carnell was known for being kind and patient, especially when working with kids with disabilities. His family loved him very much. Their sudden demise left a void in their families' and friends' lives.
The Park Bench Murders are getting more attention due to the premiere of Unsolved Mysteries. The series brings these cold cases to light with the hope that someone, somewhere, knows how to solve the mystery. Due to this, the deaths of Kate and Carnell will always be one of Cleveland's most disturbing mysteries.
Unsolved Mysteries Volume 5 is currently streaming on Netflix.