The series finale for Superman & Lois premiered on The CW Network on December 2, 2024, and brought the show to an emotional conclusion. However, amidst all the tear-inducing scenes, fans also noticed a cameo in the episode. None other than actor David Giuntoli, who also happens to be Lois Lane actress Bitsie Tulloch's husband, had a cameo in the show.
Giuntoli appears in the final montage of Superman & Lois' series finale, where he portrays an older Jonathan Kent. He is there for the scenes showcasing how he and his brother Jordan have grown up and started their own families, and they are also there in the scene where Clark finally passes away. Talking about his cameo in Superman & Lois, co-showrunner Todd Helbin told TV Line the following:
"We love David. We’ve gotten to know him over the last four years, and he directed this past season. He’s such a great guy. [Bitsie and David] are actually neighbors of mine. Not next door, but they’re in the neighborhood, so we see him quite often. We just asked him and he was totally down. That’s the kind of stuff we love to do on the show, put crew members in the episodes."
Who is David Giuntoli? Everything to know about older Jonathan Kent in Superman & Lois
While fans may have been introduced to David Giuntoli through the Superman & Lois series finale, or even may know him as Bitsie Tulloch's husband, he has actually been an established TV actor in his own right. He is best known for playing the titular role of Detective Nicholas "Nick" Burkhardt in the horror/drama/police procedural show Grimm.
The show follows Nicholas as he battles demons and mythological creatures (known as Wesen) after he learns that he is meant to maintain the balance between humans and Wesens, and hunt rogue creatures. He starred alongside Bitsie Tulloch in the show as well, and it ran for six seasons with 123 episodes on NBC.
Aside from that, he also starred in A Million Little Things on ABC and played the role of Eddie Saville in the show. It follows a group of friends who are shocked by the unexpected death of one of them, and it sees how they then try and cope with the loss.
This wouldn't be Giuntoli's first foray into the DC Universe as well because he previously portrayed Batman as well in Batman: Soul of the Dragon and Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham. His big-screen credits also include the Michael Bay film 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. Giuntoli also holds directing credits on Superman & Lois, as he directed one episode of the DC show.
What was the other cameo in Superman & Lois?
However, it wasn't only Giuntoli that shocked fans with his cameo in Superman & Lois. The show finally introduced Krypto in its concluding moments. After Clark loses Lois to cancer, he feels lonely and decides to get a dog whom he names Krypto.
In the comics, Krypto is Superman's pet dog who hails from Krypton. Fans can also get to see the Superdog next year in James Gunn's Superman.
The final episode of the CW DC series is available to stream on The CW App.