Netflix recently added a four-part series to its library titled The Breakthrough. This true crime show is directed by Swedish director Lisa Siwe. It stars Peter Eggers, Annika Hallin, Jessica Liedberg, and Bahador Foladi among others.
Peter Eggers, a Swedish actor portrays the character of investigator John Sundin in The Breakthrough.
This series is based on a nonfiction Swedish book by Peter Sjölund and Anna Bodin titled The Breakthrough: How the Genealogist Solved the Double Murder in Linköping. It is based on the true story of the 2004 double murder of Mohammed Ammouri and Anna-Lena Svensson, which rocked the nation and took 16 years to solve.
Netflix has taken creative liberties and has changed the names of the people related to the case and also the victims, however, the story remains the same. The synopsis for the show as per Netflix reads:
"When a shocking double homicide goes unsolved for 16 years, a detective teams up with a genealogist to catch the killer before it becomes a cold case."
Everything we know about Peter Eggers
Peter Eggers is a 44-year-old actor born in Lund, Sweden. Previously, Eggers has starred in movies and shows like Anno 1790 (2011), Operation Ragnarök (2018), Evil (2003), The Boss Baby (2017), and more. Peter Eggers has disclosed to his admirers on social media that he is dating Jenny Huber.
The Swedish actor also shared the news of his role as detective John Sundin in The Breakthrough on Netflix. He posted on Instagram on November 3, 2022, that:
"Incredibly grateful to be able to take part in telling about this story. A fantastic bunch of people in and around and behind the production🙏🏻❤️ "Netflix now confirms "The Breakthrough" - a five-part series based on Anna Bodins and Peter Sjölund's book of the same title. The main roles are played by Peter Eggers and Mattias Nordkvist. ”
As previously indicated, Eggers plays John Sundin in the four-part series. He is the focal point of the show and helped in solving the double homicide sixteen years later. Sundin is the only investigator in The Breakthrough who works for years and puts his job before his family to solve the double murder.
Ultimately, as time is running out and the case is about to be moved to the cold case unit, Sundin ensures that the case is solved with the genealogist's assistance. In the end, he fulfills his pledge to the victims' parents by apprehending the assassin.
Sundin's character is an example of persevering and continuing to hope until the very end.
Who is the character of John Sundin in The Breakthrough based on?
The character of John Sundin is based on 1962-born Swedish detective inspector Jan Egon Staaf. He is the investigator who solved the 2004 Linkoping double murder of 56-year-old Anna-Lena Svensson and 8-year-old Mohammed Ammouri.
Similar to Sundin in the show, Staff competed for Sweden twice in the Summer Olympics before joining the police department in 1998 after retiring from sports.
The Breakthrough is now playing on Netflix.