The Penguin series, a spin-off set within Matt Reeves’ The Batman universe, has introduced fans to a mix of familiar and obscure characters from the DC Comics universe. One of the intriguing additions in the show's latest episodes is Magpie, a villain, who emerges during flashbacks set in the iconic Arkham Asylum.
But who exactly is the actress portraying this character? South African-born Marié Botha brings the complex and layered character of Magpie to life, in episode 4 of the Penguin series
In The Penguin, Magpie’s role expands the lore surrounding Gotham’s criminal underworld. Known for her theater background and roles in shows like Dickinson, Botha brings depth and complexity to this DC villain.
Exploring in detail about Marié Botha who plays Magpie in The Penguin
Marié Botha, originally from Pretoria, South Africa, steps into the role of Magpie. Botha's journey to international stardom began when she moved from Johannesburg to New York at the age of 18 to pursue her acting dreams.
After completing her BFA at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, she continued her education with an MFA from the Yale School of Drama, one of the most prestigious programs in the world.
At Yale, she honed her craft through various performances, including roles in productions like Titus Andronicus, Slave Play, and Blood Wedding.
Botha’s background is rooted deeply in theater, with significant experience in both Off-Broadway productions and regional theater. Notable credits include performances in Alice in Wonderland and Blasted.
Her versatility and talent have not gone unnoticed, leading to her casting in The Penguin, where she embodies Magpie. While she has appeared in other shows like Dickinson, her role in The Penguin marks a significant step forward in her television career.
More about Marié Botha from The Penguin
Despite her global success, Botha remains deeply connected to her South African roots. In an interview with Glamour South Africa, she shared how she balances her South African identity with her life in New York, where she has lived for 14 years. She reflects on how both places have shaped her, expressing a strong sense of belonging to both her homeland and her adopted city.
Landing the role of Magpie in The Penguin was a pivotal moment for Botha. She described the audition process as intense, having to audition via Zoom while visiting her family in South Africa. The callback, which took place at midnight her time, involved an extended session with the director, Helen Shaver, where she worked on multiple takes of the scenes.
Although she initially doubted her performance, the next day, she received the call confirming she had secured the part and immediately flew back to New York for the show's preparations.
She said in the interview with Glamour South Africa,
"I was visiting my family in South Africa at the time and had just extended my trip when I got the callback. It was to be on Zoom with the director of episode 4, Helen Shaver. I logged on at midnight, 6pm New York time, and the most intense callback of my life ensued."
She further added,
"We worked for ages on the first Magpie scene, doing it this way and that, almost to a point where I thought, “Am I messing this up? I don’t know which way is up anymore.”
Botha wasn't confident about her audition and thought it was the "end of the road for this one." However, she got a call from her agent about getting the role and they needed her to be on the plane back to New York the next morning for a hair and makeup test.
Who is Magpie in The Penguin?
Magpie is an interesting and lesser-known villain from DC Comics who brings a new layer to the dark and gritty Gotham. Known for her obsession with shiny objects, Magpie appears in The Penguin as a complex figure with a split personality.
In the series, Magpie forms a connection with Sofia Falcone during flashbacks set in Arkham Asylum, Gotham's infamous mental institution. Their relationship begins as a friendship but quickly takes a darker turn, highlighting the tense and unpredictable environment within the asylum.
In an interview with Glamour, Botha describes Magpie as "dreamy and childlike yet haunted by darkness and trauma". Playing her allowed Botha to delve into different parts of the character’s psyche, exploring the complexities and contradictions that define Magpie.
Magpie’s arc in The Penguin also serves as a crucial element in developing Sofia Falcone’s character. The interactions between these two characters reveal the emotional and psychological struggles Sofia faces, highlighting the pressures she endures as a member of the Falcone crime family.
This dynamic between Magpie and Sofia pushes the narrative forward, providing a deeper insight into the challenges and alliances formed within Arkham Asylum.
Interested viewers can watch The Penguin series on Max.
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