Dexter: Original Sin is a crime drama series created by Clyde Phillips that premiered on December 13, 2024, on Paramount+ with Showtime. It is a prequel series to Dexter, which aired between 2006 and 2013 on Showtime. The series explores the young Dexter Morgan's life as he starts working at the Miami Metro police department and also serves as the origin story of the serial killer.
The series features Patrick Gibson as the younger version of Dexter Morgan, Christian Slater as the younger Harry Morgan, and Molly Brown as the younger Debra Morgan. Dexter: Original Sin is produced by Robert Lloyd Lewis, Nick Zayas, Alexandra Franklin, and Marc Muszynski.
Its official synopsis, as per Rotten Tomatoes, reads:
"A young Dexter Morgan transitions into an avenging serial killer."
Debra Morgan is played by Molly Brown in Dexter: Original Sin
The show's first episode titled And in the Beginning... aired on December 13, 2024. Dexter: Original Sin is set in 1991 and introduces Dexter as a young college student, who claims his first victim in the form of Nurse Mary and gets hired to intern at the Miami Metro PD.
His sister, Debra Morgan, is played by the actress Molly Elizabeth Brown in the mystery series. Debra is a young, foul-mouthed college student who feels embarrassed by her older brother's odd behavior.
In the premiere episode, she takes Dexter along to a frat party at her father Harry's insistence. Debra passes out after getting very drunk and almost gets assaulted by one of the guys at the party. But, Dexter steps in at the right time and beats the guy to a pulp. Realizing that her brother always has her back, Debra warms up to him. They share a close bond for the rest of their lives, which is seen throughout the original series.
In July 2024, Molly told TVLine that the new series has plenty of surprises in store for fans of the original Showtime series.
"There’s some really, really good stuff at the end of the season. I know you think you might know Dexter’s backstory. But there’s a lot of really cool stuff coming, especially in the second half."
Who is Molly Elizabeth Brown?
Molly Elizabeth Brown is a native of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She graduated from the University of Iowa with degrees in Theater Arts (major) and Political Science (minor). She then moved to New York City and got her acting break in the 2016 legal drama Conviction as Emily Price.
Molly went on to star in minor roles in shows like Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Chicago Med, A Crime to Remember, High Maintenance, Billions, etc. She also played Leslie Ackhurst in the supernatural series Evil from 2022 to 2024.
Moreover, she has played Missy in the drama film Lost Girls, Emily Good in the comedy-drama The Good House, and a young Martha Reiser in Alex Hardcastle's Senior Year.
Regarding Molly Elizabeth Brown's age, she is reportedly in the 20s and her birthday is on July 1.
Viewers can watch the latest episodes of Dexter: Original Sin every Friday on Paramount+ with Showtime.