Sarah Wayne Callies, known for her role as Sara Tancredi in the Fox drama series Prison Break, recently shared her experience working on the show. During an appearance on the podcast Broad Ideas on May 20, 2024, the actress recalled that she had to face "rampant misogyny."
Sarah revealed that she was the only woman on the set and experienced moments she couldn't discuss openly. Describing those instances as "toxic and painful," she added:
"There were things, like, I would go home some nights and have to spend an hour talking my husband out of going to hospitalize somebody."
Sarah Wayne Callies also mentioned an incident where an actor spat on her face:
"I've had an actor on that show spit in my face, she said. And I was like 'Holy sh*t!' We will talk about it someday."
However, the Black Gold star praised a few of her costars, saying that they were "totally gentlemen," but noted that the atmosphere remained challenging.
Sarah Wayne Callies even stated that she made a few friends when the show was on air and did not want to watch it again because it could have forced her to question herself. She did not return for the revival of the series.
Speaking to Entertainment Weekly in 2017, Sarah Wayne Callies said she was willing to see if she could do something better. She added that she would love to come back if the producers were "doing something brave."
Sarah Wayne Callies accumulated a huge fanbase from her performance in Prison Break: Character and other details explained
While Sarah Wayne Callies has taken on several roles in her career, her portrayal of Sara Tancredi in Prison Break significantly boosted her popularity. Her character, the wife of Michael Scofield, served as a doctor at the Fox River State Penitentiary.
She developed an interest in medicine at a very young age, and she learned about Mahatma Gandhi during her time at Northwestern University.
She was even addicted to morphine in the past, and she joined Fox River at the age of 29. She could not share a close relationship with her father, Frank, since the latter was busy fulfilling his duties as governor.
The character appeared in all the episodes of the first and fourth seasons. She was also the only female character to be fully featured in two seasons. She joined T-Bag to kill a character named Abruzzi, who managed to survive in the end.
In another instance, she tried to kill Kellerman, who defended himself by trying to drown Sarah. However, she escapes by removing the plug from the bathtub with her mouth. Her beauty also played a significant role, as she used it to get attention from a police officer, a Sona guard, and barman Frank.
However, Sarah was not the main character in the third season, and despite being slated to die on multiple occasions throughout the show, she managed to survive each time for different reasons.