A New Mexican thriller titled The Accident has arrived on Netflix. It stars Shaní Lozano, Ana Claudia Talancón and Sebastian Martinez, among others. On August 21, 2024, the first installment of the show arrived on the streamer with a ten-episode long run. The show holds an average IMDb rating of 5.3/10.
Leonardo Padrón wrote the script for The Accident, which Gracia Querejeta and Klych López co-directed. Viewers' feedback about this Mexican thriller has been conflicting since its premiere and has attracted with mixed reviews.
Model, influencer and TV actress Shaní Lozano hails from Xalapa, Mexico and plays the role of Yolanda in the show. Since The Accident became available on Netflix, people all around the world have been looking through cast lists to see who portrayed different characters on the show and have become quite curious about who those actors were.
Exploring Shaní Lozano's career as an actress
Born on July 29, 1996, Shaní Lozano plays Yolanda in the latest Netflix original series. She reportedly loved performing in musicals and variety shows on stage and had always wished to be an actor since she was very young.
She attended the Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico to acquire her theatrical training. She has only appeared in two Netflix series, according to IMDb. To date, she hasn't appeared in any films or been cast in any other roles. Her acting debut was in the Netflix series The Surrogacy (2023-present).
The Surrogacy arrived on the steamer in 2023 with its first season. Lozano starred as Yeni in the show alongside Marcela Guirado as Ana and Luis Ernesto Franco as Carlos.
Yeni is a surrogate mother on the show for Carlos and Julia. She has to go through a lot of trouble to save her father from going to prison. To help her father evade his arrest, Yeni needs money, which she will get from this surrogacy. However little does she know about the games the Huziar’s have been playing with her.
This 28-year-old actress won hearts and minds all over the world after playing Yeni and went on to feature in Netflix's The Accident. Her performances to date have been flawless, so major roles are anticipated for her soon.
Shaní Lozano stars as Yolanda in The Accident
Shaní Lonazo stars as Yolanda in The Accident, who's the wife of Moncho (played by Silverio Palacios) on the show. Yolanda takes care of Daniela (played by Ana Claudia Talancón ) and Emiliano's (played by Sebastian Martinez) house and works as a maid for the couple.
For those who haven't watched The Accident yet, the plot of the show deals with a terrible mishap, that alters the fortune of various families and spirals chaos.
Here's the official synopsis of the show, which reads as per Rotten Tomatoes:
"When a birthday party takes a tragic turn, its ripples shatter a close-knit community, tearing families, friendships, and hearts apart."
The Accident is now streaming on Netflix.
If you have any interesting details about Shaní Lozano that you would like to share with us, please do so in the comments below to keep us informed.