Tyler Perry's drama series Beauty in Black debuted on Netflix on October 24, 2024. Under the backdrop of a strong, dysfunctional family, this gripping drama series presents an interesting story about the collision of two rather different lifestyles.
Tamera Kissen is a comedian and actress, who plays Body in Beauty in Black. Body is a recurring character negotiating the complexity of the glittering, dangerous world of the beauty business. Her character's interactions with others demonstrate the underlying tensions of the narrative.
The series follows Kimmie, a poor dancer, and Mallory, a prosperous entrepreneur. Their paths cross in Atlanta's hair care industry and the world of exotic dancing.
Tamera Kissen’s career explored
Tamera Kissen, popularly known as Himynamestee, began her career as a model before transitioning into social media and comedy.
She currently portrays Body in Beauty in Black, which gives the story of the drama an interesting depth. Body is presented as a clever person who discovers she is entwined with the central plot and exposes the darker sides of the cosmetic enterprise the drama centers on.
Apart from Beauty in Black, Kissen has done several projects. These include White Men Can't Jump (2023) and House Party (2023). Born on September 15, 1994, she is also known for her comic abilities on MTV's Wild N' Out.
An overview of Beauty in Black
The Netflix drama series deftly threads the life of two ladies from different backgrounds, stressing their intersecting paths inside the glitzy but dangerous world of the beauty business.
Taylor Polidore Williams plays Kimme, a teenage stripper whose difficult circumstances lead her to interact with the wealthy and dysfunctional Bellaire family, becoming a central character in the narrative.
Though the Bellaire family in Beauty in Black runs a profitable cosmetic enterprise and is deeply ingrained in a lavish lifestyle, their lives are full of dark secrets and inner conflict. The story starts with Kimmie, desperate to move over her past and weighed down by debt, looking for a scholarship at a famous hair school created by the Bellaire family.
This desire sets off a sequence of events revealing the secret machinations beneath the extravagant front of the family. Kimmie finds the appeal of money and the risks accompanying it as she gets caught in their world.
Beauty in Black season 1 has 16 episodes, split into two parts. Every episode highlights the growing conflicts among the Bellaire family. This especially includes Kimmie negotiating her relationship with Mallory, a strong businesswoman portrayed by Crystle Stewart, who vehemently safeguards her family's name.
The cast includes Taylor Polidore Williams as Kimmie, Crystle Stewart as Mallory, and Ricco Ross as Horace. Additional cast includes Debbi Morgan as Olivia, Richard Lawson as Norman, Amber Reign Smith plays Rain, Steven G. Norfleet plays Charles, Julian Horton portrays Roy, and Terrell Carter plays Varney.
The first eight episodes of Beauty in Black are available to stream on Netflix.
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