Tomb Raider: The Legend Of Lara Croft is an animated action-adventure anime series centered on the popular video game character. It is based on the video game series of the same name by Crystal Dynamics. The series is created by Tasha Huo and executive produced by Timothy I. Stevenson, Howard Bliss, Dmitri M. Johnson, and Huo, among others.
The anime is produced by Legendary Television, DJ2 Entertainment, Crystal Dynamics, and Tractor Pants. The animation work for the series was done by Powerhouse Animation Studios in Austin, Texas. The show features eight episodes, all of which were released on Netflix on Thursday, October 10, 2024.
It is set in the timeline of the Survivor trilogy of the video games, which began in 2013 with Tomb Raider and ended in 2018 with Shadow of the Tomb Raider. The series picks up after the events of the 2018 video game and features Lara Croft embarking on a solo adventure to find ancient Chinese artifacts.
The show's official logline is as follows:
"Thrust into a high-stakes chase around the world, fearless adventurer Lara Croft confronts her traumatic past while unraveling an ancient mystery."
Hayley Atwell voices the role of the protagonist Lara Croft in Tomb Raider: The Legend Of Lara Croft.
About Hayley Atwell- the voice of Lara Croft in Tomb Raider: The Legend Of Lara Croft.
The British-American actress Hayley Atwell was announced as the voice of Lara Croft in the series Tomb Raider: The Legend Of Lara Croft in September 2021.
Hayley's most notable film role is playing Agent Peggy Carter in various MCU films and television shows. She has appeared in Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers: Endgame, etc. Her other prominent films include Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning, The Duchess, Cinderella, etc.
Furthermore, she has starred in television shows like Black Mirror, Agent Carter, Heartstopper, The Pillars of the Earth, Howards End, and Conviction, to name a few.
Plot summary of Tomb Raider: The Legend Of Lara Croft
Tomb Raider: The Legend Of Lara Croft follows the famed British archeologist as she sets off on a solo adventure through dangerous terrains in search of ancient Chinese artifacts. According to the showrunner Tasha Huo, the series chronicles her journey from "a lone wolf" to someone who values friendships and teamwork.
The animated show's trailer premiered at Geeked Week, Netflix's annual event that celebrates its biggest fandoms in film, games, and genre series. It was held in Atlanta, Georgia between September 16-19, 2024.
Voice cast of Tomb Raider: The Legend Of Lara Croft
In addition to Hayley Atwell, the animated series features a voice cast list that includes:
- Allen Maldonado as Zip
- Earl Baylon as Jonah Maiava
- Richard Armitage as Charles Devereaux
- Zoe Boyle as Camilla Roth
- Roxana Ortega as Abby Ortiz
- Nolan North as Conrad Roth
- Maggie Lowe as Young Lara
- Mara Junot as Joslin Reyes
- Stan Walker as Leo
- Ming-Na Wen as Eva Tong
- Vanessa Marshall as a possessed henchwoman
- Keith Ferguson as a British Museum director
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