Jeopardy! is a popular American television game show that has captivated audiences for decades. Every episode brings suspense, entertainment, and a chance for contestants to prove their knowledge. On December 10, 2024, viewers tuned in to witness the latest showdown of trivia and strategy. This episode of Jeopardy! featured three contestants: Dan Sand, Sara Walker, and Bill McKinney.
The show's intellectual challenges, rapid-fire format, and iconic host are well known. As one of the longest-running and most beloved TV shows, it blends history and pop culture.
Tonight’s Jeopardy! was won by Bill McKinney, a VP of restaurants and bars from Boston, Massachusetts. McKinney demonstrated strategic gameplay and impressive accuracy, claiming victory with a final wager of $6,000. His performance solidified his standing as a strong contender in the game.
Jeopardy! is known for its smart competition and intense trivia. Contestants must be quick and seize every moment. The show's clue-based format requires critical thinking. As contestants competed in three rounds for the grand prize, tonight's episode showed why Jeopardy! is still a top game show in the US.
Jeopardy! episode overview: December 10, 2024, Tuesday
The episode on December 10, 2024, featured a mix of knowledge and strategy. Contestants competed in three rounds: Jeopardy, Double Jeopardy, and Final Jeopardy. The gameplay unfolded with suspense as each contestant tried to gain the upper hand in various categories.
As usual, the first round offered a wide variety of clues, with contestants scrambling to buzz in for the answers. Some contestants performed well early on, but it was the Final Jeopardy that determined the winner.
The Final Jeopardy question, which was in the category of Presidential Candidates, proved to be a tough one. The question read:
"The running mates of this candidate included John Kern, Arthur Sewall & Adlai Stevenson I"
The correct answer was: "Who is William Jennings Bryan?"
Contestant of the episode: Bill McKinney
From his time as a VP of restaurants and bars, Bill McKinney, who is from Boston, brought a lot of experience to the game. His total of $22,000 from the previous day set the stage for tonight's competition.
Sara Walker, a family and sports medicine doctor from Brighton, Michigan, knew a lot, and Dan Sand, a law student from Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, tried hard even though he missed a Daily Double.
During Final Jeopardy, Bill McKinney's strategy focused on getting high-value clues and making smart bets. In the second part, Sara Walker made a strong comeback by using her medical knowledge to answer important questions. Even though Dan Sand missed a Daily Double, he showed resilience by correctly answering important clues.
Insights on Jeopardy!'s format
Jeopardy!'s format distinguishes it from other game shows. The show has three increasingly difficult rounds, where participants choose from a grid of categories with dollar-amount clues. In Double Jeopardy, the stakes and dollar amounts are doubled.
In the Final Jeopardy round, contestants must wager a portion of their winnings based on their confidence in the clue's category. This unique combination of knowledge, strategy, and timing makes Jeopardy! thrilling.
Game statistics and round results
Jeopardy round:
The Jeopardy round featured Life Imitates Pop Culture, Who Wants History?, Galleries, A Meat & Potatoes Category, Grab Bag, and King Arthur's Very Punny Knights.
Both Bill and Sara answered $1,000 clues correctly in the first segment. Due to missing a Daily Double, Dan Sand started third. Bill scored $3,400, Sara $3,200, and Dan $400 after 15 clues, setting up a competitive round.
Double Jeopardy round:
The Double Jeopardy round featured Islands, Women Writers, A “W” For Science, Adjectives, Broadway Musicals, and How's Your Legalese? Dan Sand missed his second Daily Double possibility, hurting his standing.
Bill McKinney led Sara Walker and Dan Sand by answering three $2,000 clues correctly. This round ended with Bill at $12,000, Sara at $8,800, and Dan at $7,800, setting up the Final Jeopardy!
Final Jeopardy: The Final Jeopardy! category was Presidential Candidates, where contestants identified William Jennings Bryan's running mates. The correct answer was Who is William Jennings Bryan? Bill McKinney won $6,000 by answering correctly. He won the episode with a two-day total of $28,000 after Sara Walker and Dan Sand submitted their wagers and answers that fell short.
Jeopardy! Game recap & statistics (Tuesday, December 10, 2024)
Jeopardy! round:
Categories: Life Imitates Pop Culture; Who Wants History?; Galleries; A Meat & Potatoes Category; Grab Bag; King Arthur’s Very Punny Knights
- Both Bill and Sara answered two $1,000 clues correctly in the opening segment.
- Dan missed the Daily Double and sat third.
Scores after 15 clues:
- Bill: $3,400
- Sara: $3,200
- Dan: $400
Statistics at the first break (15 clues):
- Bill: 4 correct, 0 incorrect
- Sara: 5 correct, 0 incorrect
- Dan: 3 correct, 2 incorrect
Today’s interviews:
- Dan scared an older couple in Ukraine because of a bloody nose.
- Sara finally got to appear after three calls.
- Bill once had a concussion where he could not speak.
Sara continued her strong play to retake the lead in the show’s second segment.
Statistics after the Jeopardy round:
- Sara: 8 correct, 0 incorrect
- Bill: 6 correct, 0 incorrect
- Dan: 9 correct, 3 incorrect
Scores after the Jeopardy round:
- Sara: $4,800
- Bill: $4,000
- Dan: $2,000
Double Jeopardy round:
Categories: Islands; Women Writers; A “W” For Science; Adjectives; Broadway Musicals; How’s Your Legalese?
- Dan got both Daily Doubles; unfortunately, he got DD2 incorrect.
- While he got DD3 correct, he sat third going into the Final.
- Bill led going into clue #61 on the strength of three $2,000 correct responses.
Statistics after Double Jeopardy:
- Bill: 16 correct, 3 incorrect
- Sara: 12 correct, 1 incorrect
- Dan: 20 correct, 7 incorrect
- Total number of unplayed clues this season: 15 (0 today)
Scores after Double Jeopardy round:
- Bill: $12,400
- Sara: $7,200
- Dan: $6,000
Final Jeopardy round:
- The Final Jeopardy clue's category and outcome are not mentioned, but Bill's strong lead suggested he had a good chance of winning.
Scores going into the Final:
- Bill $12,000
- Sara $8,800
- Dan $7,800
This Final Jeopardy was a Triple Stumper; once the wagers shook themselves out, Bill retained his title; he’ll go for win #3 tomorrow.
Tonight’s results:
- Dan $7,800 – $7,799 = $1 (Who is Richard Nixon)
- Sara $8,800 – $3,198 = $5,602 (Who is Teddy Roosevelt?)
- Bill $12,000 – $6,000 = $6,000 (Who is Cleveland) (2-day total: $28,000)
Bill McKinney won tonight's Jeopardy! with his knowledge and strategy. This win adds to his two-day total, indicating his future strength in future episodes. Sara Walker and Dan Sand also played well, making the game memorable.