truTV’s Impractical Jokers has emerged as one of the most popular and long-running prank shows of recent times. Having premiered back in 2011, the show follows its tried and tested troupe which pits four best friends, James "Murr" Murray, Brian "Q" Quinn, Sal Vulcano, and formerly Joe Gatto, against each other, as they play a range of hilarious public pranks on each other.
While the series has till date ran for ten seasons, the group of friends broke up in December 2021, when Joe Gatto announced his decision to leave the long-running series. The announcement came on December 31, 2021, and fans have since consistently clamored and asked for a return of the iconic 4th member.
As fans continue to be puzzled about the reason why Gatto ended up leaving, we look at what led to the exit, according to the comedian himself. As it turns out. Joe Gatto ended up leaving Impractical Jokers simply because he wanted to focus more on his family.
Gatto last featured in Impractical Jokers via Season 9, and the show has since seen the release of its Season 10, which happened in February 2023.
The real reason behind why Joe left Impractical Jokers
Gatto had been an integral part of the show right from when it was first aired in 2011. During the announcement on December 31 2021, he cited a range of personal reasons related to his family. The comedian had claimed that he wanted to focus more on his children, Milana and Remington, who had complained several times about the lack of time that he spent at home.
Joe Gatto also went into detail about the reason during an interview with Jason Nash:
“I had this 14-hour days with the TV show and then the weekends I would go travel and do it. I never saw them I always tell the story about my daughter right before Covid happened. She's five years old, I come home and seen them or whatever and I come home from work and from working on Jokers and I said to her. I said ‘hey wait and she goes oh my God.”
Gatto added:
“She comes up gives (me) a big hug and she goes, ‘Daddy I love when you come to visit and I was like oh my God I'm doing something wrong. A Punch to the [ __ ] throat tell me right? I was like wow I am doing something wrong right so then covid happens whatever, and now the whole thing happens with my family you know and I have to realign my values and what I'm doing and you know whatever.
He concluded:
And like three weeks ago she asked me if I had a job, and I'm like okay I overcorrected it too much you know? But it's interesting.”
Hence, Gatto wanted to focus on his family, and it was a mundane conversation with his daughter which ended up forcing his hand!
Will Joe return to Impractical Jokers?
As things stand, Joe Gatto has not revealed any intention to return to the iconic show. Impractical Jokers has continued since his departure with a new season, with the likes of Sal Vulcano, James "Murr" Murray, and Brian "Q" Quinn all carrying on its legacy without replacing the fourth member.
While all of his friends also communicated their sadness on the eve of Gatto’s announcement, they also stated their commitment to the show and have continued the legacy since. Gatto has not made any statement with respect to his departure or potential return in recent months, and there is no clear answer to whether he will eventually return.
As things stand, a return therefore seems unlikely.
Who are Joe Gatto's Wife and Kids?
Joe and his wife, Bessy Gatto, underwent a separation in late 2021 but then reconciled in 2023. Although there is no indication that the time Joe spent shooting for Impractical Jokers caused the temporary rift, his interviews during the time suggest that it may have played a role, considering Gatto did reveal that he was not spending as much time with his family as he wanted.
The couple has two children, Milana, who was born in 2015, and Remington James, who was born in 2017. It seems as if the time away from the show has done Joe Gatto well, as the couple have now reconciled and seemed to be going strong.
Regardless, on the eve of reconciliation, Bessy Gatto also shared a heartwarming post, further suggesting that Joe’s decision to leave Impractical Jokers has led to positive developments in his personal life.
Regardless, as things stand, there is no clear timeline or even confirmation of whether Joe Gatto is looking to return to Impractical Jokers.
Fans watch all seasons of Impractical Jokers on Amazon Prime.