The One Chicago franchise, which comprises Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, and Chicago Med, has captivated viewers through intense storytelling and character-driven drama. However, fans who tuned in on November 27, 2024, were disappointed, since no new episode aired.
The absence was not due to scheduling conflicts or production issues but was rather a planned midseason hiatus—a common practice for many primetime shows. The fall finales of the franchise aired on November 20, 2024, leaving the viewers with cliffhangers across all three series.
From Sharon's hostage crisis in Chicago Med to Cruz facing his past in Chicago Fire and Voight navigating threats in Chicago PD, the episodes were full of tension and unresolved storylines.
Why were no new One Chicago episodes aired on Thursday (November 27, 2024)?
The One Chicago franchise is in its midseason break, which is a standard one for network television shows. This allows networks like NBC to make the necessary adjustments in their programming schedule, usually showing holiday specials and reruns during this break. For One Chicago, the break started right after the fall finales on November 20, 2024, and will continue until January 8, 2025.
This hiatus falls during Thanksgiving week when all networks mostly stop airing fresh scripted programming. Meanwhile, NBC has decided to fill the One Chicago time slots with a Saturday Night Live Thanksgiving special and future holiday programming, including its annual Christmas in Rockefeller Center special on December 4.
The extended hiatus not only allows viewers to catch up on missed episodes but also gives the cast and crew a much-needed break during the holiday season.
When will One Chicago return?
Those who are craving the resolution of the fall finale cliffhangers from the One Chicago franchise do not have to wait much longer. The new episodes of Chicago Fire (season 13), Chicago PD (season 12), and Chicago Med (season 10) will air on January 8, 2025. This signifies the start of the second half of the 2024-2025 season, which continues right where the shows were.
Chicago Med, for instance, will capture Sharon's rescue and the resolution over Dr. Archer's decision to resign. Meanwhile, Chicago Fire will bring Cruz's confrontation with an angry cousin of a gang member and unresolved tension surrounding Hermann's test. Furthermore, Chicago PD promises high-stakes drama through the all-new kidnapping case and continued battle for Voight by Deputy Chief Reid.
What can viewers expect from the midseason premieres?
The return of One Chicago promises much drama, action, and resolution. In Chicago Fire, viewers will see Firehouse 51 in a mix of personal and professional challenges. The fall finale promo for Chicago Fire teased a particularly perilous blaze that the team navigates.
For Chicago Med, the central plot for the time being is Sharon's hostage situation at the face of Gaffney Medical Center. The storyline involving Dr. Archer is a wild card in itself, and his decision to stay or go will be an added mystery. Of course, Chicago PD will also come out swinging, in a frantic hunt for kidnapped children, with Voight countering Reid's threats.
Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, and Chicago Med will return on January 8, 2025.