FBI is a popular CBS procedural drama that captivates audiences with its gritty portrayal of high-stakes cases. From its inception to its current status, the series has showcased a blend of gripping storylines and dynamic characters, earning its place among the all-time celebrated crime dramas.
One notable character from season 1 was Dana Mosier, portrayed by Sela Ward. Her sudden departure shocked many viewers, leaving them to wonder why a character like hers would leave so early in the series.
Sela Ward's portrayal of Dana Mosier in FBI, a strong yet sensitive Special Agent in Charge, added significant gravity to the show. The real reason for Ward's exit from FBI was that her contract had ended. Unlike other actors who were signed for multi-season contracts, she was only signed for one season.
What happened to Dana Mosier in FBI?
Dana Mosier, portrayed by Sela Ward, left FBI towards the end of season 1. The character faced several tough decisions early on, particularly when one of her agents, Maggie Bell, worked on a case that had a massive personal impact, testing her objectivity as a leader.
While Mosier was above board and professional, her decision to allow Maggie to have closure subjected her to much criticism. In the season finale, Mosier faced the consequences of her actions. She realized that emotional involvement could hinder her effectiveness as a leader, prompting her to resign from her position.
This resignation was presented as a personal recognition that she could no longer carry out her functions with the objectivity demanded of the position. Her final scene was poignant, indicating a dignified exit and leaving the team to move on without her solid guidance.
Why did Sela Ward leave FBI after just one season?
Sela Ward's contract terms were the real reason she left the show. Unlike other actors, she did not have a multi-season deal; her contract lasted only one season. This arrangement was known to both the producers and Ward from the start, indicating that her character's journey was planned with a closed end.
While this may not have pleased fans who wanted to see more of her dominant presence, it was a planned aspect of her participation in the show. She addressed her departure by posting a heartfelt comment on Instagram, stating that she always planned to feature just for one season.
Additionally, she expressed excitement about future projects, especially focusing on personal endeavors like painting and other activities related to her career. This gave some clarity to viewers who had been speculating about why she was leaving and helped explain why Dana Mosier's story was resolved at the end of season 1.
Is there a chance Sela Ward will return to FBI?
Even though Sela Ward has been an incredible presence, it is very unlikely that Dana Mosier will return to the show. Since her exit, the show has introduced new leadership and storylines.
There have been no references or cameos involving her character, further suggesting that her chapter in the series is closed. Fans who hoped for a surprise appearance have thus far been left without any indications of such plans.
This is further supported by Ward's statement after her departure, in which she expressed a desire to explore other creative outlets rather than revert to her old role. The show itself has succeeded in adapting to many seasons without her by evolving its focus to include other characters and challenges to the team.
Read More: FBI season 7: Everything we know so far
Interested viewers can catch the episodes of FBI on CBS and Paramount+ at 8 pm ET.