The Dragon Prince is a Netflix fantasy animated series that has been running for seven seasons now. The show's seventh and final season premiered via the platform on December 19, 2024, more than six years after the series first made its debut on August 14, 2018.
In July 2020, after the release of Season 3, Netflix renewed the series from Season 4 to Season 7, making this season the final one. The official logline also confirmed that this might be the final journey that the characters undertake together:
"It’s not too late to catch up on The Dragon Prince before the season 7 culmination and climax of the great fantasy saga. As Aaravos and Claudia seek to destroy the cosmic order and invert life and death, our heroes must literally be ready to sacrifice anything and everything they love and believe in to save the world! This season will be more thrilling, magical, and heartbreaking than ever.”
Since Netflix has not made any moves to renew the storyline further, fans might have to reconcile with the fact that Season 8 might not be on the cards for the show.
The Dragon Prince is supposed to end with Season 7: Exploring why
Fans of the show might be pondering the question: Is The Dragon Prince over? At present, it does appear that a Season 8 is not on the cards. In July 2020, Netflix renewed the series till Season 7 to explore the Mystery of Aaravos and did not mention the possibility of another instalment. The platform has not released an official statement about the future of the series beyond this yet.
In a small ray of hope for the fandom, the show's creators Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond did reveal that they had planned some more storylines going ahead. At the 2024 San Diego Comic-Con, plans for a potential third saga were discussed involving three more seasons to bring the show to Season 10.
However, this is still conditional on Netflix's decision about the show's future. In an interview for, the show's team stated that a third saga could only happen if Netflix noted higher viewership and fans' support for the same.
Also read: The Dragon Prince Season 6 recap: All to remember before Season 7 arrives
Is The Dragon Prince ending? Plot and ending explained
Many fans might wonder: will there be another season of The Dragon Prince or is the animated series at its end? Plot-wise, Season 7 of the series did not end on a cliffhanger and wrapped up most of its storylines in a conclusive manner. However, the ending was also slightly open and up to interpretation, leaving some room for a situation where Netflix might renew the show.
In the final episode, the heroes fought their opponent, the Startouch elf Aaravos, who had broken free from his prison and was bent on revenge. The destruction of the city of Katolis was the catalyst that King Ezran required to spur an angry war against his foes. The finale ended with the battle won in favor of the heroes, but many unanswered questions about the life they were supposed to build after the conflict.
Also read: The Dragon Prince Season 7 Ending Explained: Can Xadia survive the next seven years of darkness?
Audiences can watch The Dragon Prince Season 7 streaming now on Netflix.