Tires, the latest comedy series on Netflix, promises to be an entertaining watch. Created by comedian Shane Gillis, the show brings a unique flavor to the streaming platform with its mix of humor and absurdity. A group of Pennsylvania tire shop employees negotiates their daily lives with wit and turmoil, and the Netflix comedy appears to be impressing viewers and critics.
The series stands out as one of the most hilarious releases on Netflix right now. The show’s humor is fresh and bold, and often pushes the boundaries of traditional comedy. It features a cast that delivers outstanding performances, making each episode a laugh riot.
For fans of Shane Gillis and those who appreciate edgy comedy, this series is a must-watch. Its unique setting and character dynamics set it apart from other workplace comedies.
Tires has quickly gained popularity for several reasons. The show’s sharp writing, engaging characters, and comedic timing make it worth watching. Additionally, the connection to Seinfeld’s legacy and the positive reception from review aggregators— it has a 93% average audience score on Rotten Tomatoes— add to its appeal.
What makes Tires the most hilarious Netflix release?
Tires has captured the attention of comedy fans with its unique humor and compelling characters. Shane Gillis, who self-financed the series, brings his signature comedic style to the forefront.
Fans of Cumtown and Stavros Halkias will find much to enjoy here. The series features a group of mostly straight, white, angsty men working in a beleaguered tire shop. This setting provides a backdrop for Gillis’ brand of laid-back and sharp humor.
Read more: Is Netflix's Tires similar to sitcom Seinfeld? Explained
Factors that make the show 'hilarious'
The series has a straightforward yet hilarious plot. Shane, portrayed by Shane Gillis, is a lazy employee who relentlessly bullies his cousin and boss, Will (Steven Gerben). Will is desperate to impress his dad, while Shane is equally determined to mock him.
Spanning six episodes, the show thrives on its audacity to offend without restraint. In one outrageous scene, Shane tries to herd a group of bikini-clad women into a shipping container.
When Andrew Schulz makes an appearance alongside Tommy Pope, laughter ensues, as they prove to be absolute lunatics. Soon after, Stavros joins the mix, adding to the absurdity.
Every guest and background character in the show seems to be equally ridiculous, creating an ideal plot for mindless entertainment, and making each episode half-hour of comedic bliss.
The characters’ absurd conversations and situations often mirror the iconic discussions that made Seinfeld a classic. This subtle nod to Seinfeld adds a layer of charm, appealing to fans of the legendary sitcom.
The positive reception of the series underscores the show’s ability to connect with viewers through its distinctive comedic style. The early renewal of the series for a second season by Netflix also indicates its popularity and potential for future success.
Why one should watch the series
Tires offers a refreshing take on workplace comedy. The show's aggressive, unapologetic humor appeals to those who like controversial gags. The series follows Valley Forge Automotive employees' daily hardships and funny moments. Each episode has a different theme, keeping it interesting.
The dynamic between the characters is another reason to watch Tires. The tension and camaraderie between Will and Shane create a perfect comedic balance. Will, played by Steve Gerbin, is a people-pleaser trying to run the shop, while Shane, portrayed by Shane Gillis, constantly challenges him with his antics. This dynamic is a core element of the show’s humor and appeal.
Read more: 5 Things Tires season 2 can improve from season 1
Cast of Tires
The cast of this TV series serves as another reason to watch the series. Led by Shane Gillis, who plays a version of himself, the cast includes Steve Gerbin as Will, the beleaguered boss, and Stavros Halkias as Dave, the supervisor, who brings depth to the series.
The ensemble cast also features Andrew Schulz, Chris O'Connor, and Kilah Fox, who bring their unique comedic talents to the show. Each actor adds a distinct flavor to the series.
Also read: Tires season 1: Full list of cast in the series
One interesting connection is to Seinfeld. While this TV series does not directly mimic the style of Seinfeld, it shares a similar approach to comedy. Like Seinfeld, Tires focuses on the mundane aspects of everyday life, turning them into sources of humor.
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Review Aggregator score and reception
The series' distinctive comedy and interesting characters have been praised by review aggregators. The show's ridiculousness and workplace relatability appeal to viewers. Positive reviews indicate the show's quality and Netflix's endurance.
According to a top critic, John Anderson, on Rotten Tomatoes,
"The unexpected nature of the jokes is a prime reason the show works, but so are the little truths revealed along the way. Surprise and honesty, after all, are the steel-belted radials of comedy."
As per one of the viewers, Chad L,
"Refreshing Show, definitely has an It's Always Sunny in Philly meets The Office with a serious dose of reality comedy that is much needed today."
Tires brings a unique take on hilarious in Netflix’s comedy lineup. With its unique humor, engaging characters, and positive reception, it stands out as a must-watch series. As the series continues to gain traction, it promises to deliver even more laughs and entertainment, especially for fans of bold and edgy comedy.