Offline TV (or OTV) has had quite a few unique personalities on its roster over the years. While Imane "Pokimane" (9.3 million followers) has remained one of the most popular OTV members, others, including William "Scarra," Lily "LilyPichu," Jeremy "Disguised Toast" and Michael Reeves also had their fair share of the spotlight.
With so many dynamic personalities, a viral moment was almost guaranteed whenever they all joined forces. This article will delve into one such moment from 2021 (involving Pokimane, Michael Reeves, and LilyPichu) that quickly made waves due to the awkward yet comical nature of their conversation.
Revisiting when Michael Reeves mistakenly poked fun at Pokimane's place of birth
Back in June 2021, Pokimane, Michael Reeves, and LilyPichu, inadvertently sparked a rather comical interaction during a Twitch stream.
For context, the trio had gathered to play a game of insults. The rules were simple - they would take turns saying something snarky about the people in front of them. It all started with Pokimane, who pointed at LilyPichu and labeled her "bird bonemarrow," saying:
"Alright okay, who first? (LilyPichu suggested to go in a circular order). Bird bonemarrow (pointing at Lily)"
The joke stemmed from Michael Reeves frequently teasing LilyPichu by comparing her frailness to that of a bird. This running gag prompted Pokimane to use the term "bird bonemarrow" as her particular insult.
LilyPichu also chimed in, playfully poking fun at her boyfriend's Filipino origin. When it was Michael's turn, he looked at Pokimane and quipped that she was from a "third-world country," saying:
"From a third world country, you are."
Although Michael intended to poke fun at Pokimane's Canadian origin, he had completely forgotten that the streamer is African and was born in Morocco. This little mix-up turned the entire conversation into a rather comical mishap, as Pokimane countered:
"I was born in Africa, I don't know if you know that."
Realizing he had inadvertently insulted Pokimane's African heritage while trying to poke fun at her Canadian roots, a red-faced Michael quickly let out an awkward growl, claiming he wanted the joke to target Canada:
"Aaaah! I meant Canada! Aaaah! I meant Canada!"
This sparked a barrage of laughter among the group. You can watch the viral clip here:
Twitch streamer Pokimane is no longer part of the OfflineTV roster. Back in May 2023, she announced that she would be "graduating" (essentially separating) from the group. Despite her departure, she still maintains a close connection with its members and often collaborates with them on streams.