Karl Jacobs is best known for being a Beast Gang member, the group of friends YouTube star Jimmy "MrBeast" generally makes videos with. Six members are part of this crew, including Kris Tyson, Chandler Hallow, Nolan Hansen, and Tareq Salameh. Jacobs initially served as a camera operator in the crew and appeared on the YouTube channel of MrBeast's older brother, Charles, in 2019.
Subsequently, he started appearing in the Feastables founder's videos in 2020 and soon became a member of the Beast Gang.
The crew can often be seen in MrBeast's content, completing various challenges together, such as spending seven days in an "abandoned city" as part of the video titled I Survived 7 Days In An Abandoned City.
The group also helps Jimmy by helping him set up the technical and practical side of the obstacles that participants have to overcome in his competition-based videos.
Karl Jacob's journey as part of MrBeast's "Beast Gang" explored
Karl Jacobs has been on YouTube through his main channel for a relatively short while, having created it in September 2020. However, since then, he has racked up 272 million views and an impressive 4.58 million subscribers. His main channel is not the first one he made on the platform, as he'd previously had a channel named Game Patrol, where he would upload content related to Roblox.
In 2019, MrBeast's older brother, Charles, was producing content somewhat similar to his sibling's, involving certain trials and challenges that offer rewards upon completion.
Charles uploaded his content under the name MrBro. Jacobs appeared on this channel in a video titled Last To Leave Halloween Candy Wins $10,000. He was also working as an editor for Charles, who changed the channel's name from MrBro to CJTheseDays.
Later in 2019, Jacobs started to work for MrBeast as an editor and cameraman. Glimpses of him can often be seen in videos from that time, such as his appearance in the one titled Last To Take Hand Off $1,000,000 Keeps It. This clip was uploaded to the MrBeast channel on December 20, 2019.
Eventually, as he spent more time with "the boys," he became close friends with Kris, who supported the idea of Karl appearing in front of the camera rather than behind it.
On the other side, Jake the Viking's last appearance on the MrBeast channel was in the $60,000 Extreme Hide And Seek - Challenge video, uploaded on January 18, 2020. Notably, this was also the first upload where Jacobs actively participated in a task on camera.
He would be seen much more often in Jimmy's videos after that, either serving as a participant in the challenges or appearing in other shorter roles.
On April 6, 2020, Jake the Viking, a Beast Gang member at the time, announced his departure from the group. With his somewhat regular appearances on the show in the recent past and his close friendship with Kris, Karl Jacobs seemed to be a natural fit for the next Beast crew member.
Although his inclusion in this group was not officially announced, he gradually became a more and more prominent figure on Jimmy's channel after Jake's exit, eventually becoming a de facto member.
Since then, Jacobs has appeared regularly as a participant in task-centric videos and a core member of MrBeast's crew. He also maintains his own channel, where he produces content focused on Minecraft challenges. Fellow Beast Gang members can also sometimes be seen on his channel, such as Chandler Hallow, who appeared in the video Open This Door, Win $10,000!.
MrBeast's content often involves competitions, with extravagant rewards being provided to participants for completing tasks or trials. However, the creator is planning to take things to the next level with his upcoming Prime video series, Beast Games, which he is making in collaboration with Amazon.
Describing it as the "largest game show in history" in a post on X, the YouTube star revealed that the show would feature over a thousand contestants and would involve a $5,000,000 prize.
Applications for a chance to be on Beast Games are now open, with interested individuals being able to sign up through the video series' official website.