Sidemen's ongoing reality show Inside currently features some well-known faces in the online community and television scene. One of the contestants, Olivia "Liv" Bentley has become among the strongest contestants. For those unaware about Liv, she is a reality TV star and co-owner of JOMO London. She is currently 28 years old (born August 26, 1995).
She initially rose to fame through her role in Made in Chelsea (MIC), a British reality TV series broadcast by E4. Bently joined the cast back in 2016, which was series 11 of the show and aired between 11 April and 27 June. She was an instant hit as she featured in a love triangle between Francis Boulle and Georgia Toffolo.
Aside from her venture into MIC, she is also known for co-hosting the Private Parts Podcast (60K subscribers on YouTube) with TV personality Tom Lucy. She also co-owns JOMO London, a sex and well-being brand, with celebrity make-up artist Bella Campbell. For those curious, JOMO is an acronym for "Joy Of Missing Out."
Exploring Olivia "Liv" Bentley's participation in Sidemen's Inside
Olivia "Liv" Bentley has undeniably emerged as one of the most strongest participants in the ongoing reality series "Inside." Premiered on June 2, 2024, on the Sidemen channel, she has appeared in every one of the first five episodes aired to date.
In episode 1, contestants had to keep their hands on the table at all times, facing deductions for any deviation. Despite the presence of bugs, snakes, and spiders, Olivia managed to complete the challenge without lifting her hand once.
In episode 4, Olivia took a brave risk by entering a glass cage with bugs poured inside and her head sealed in it, ultimately earning her fellow contestants a satisfying dinner. Once again, she completed the challenge without asking the challenge to be stopped.
Olivia stands out as one of the lowest spenders in the competition, demonstrating restraint in her purchases from the shop. Meanwhile, contestants like Castillo and Specs Gonzales haven't been as conservative. Despite this, the current prize fund stands at £244K (down from £1 million).
Which contestants are left in Sidemen's Inside show?
Olivia Bentley has managed to avoid elimination risks throughout the first five episodes of the show. However, not everyone has been as fortunate. By the start of episode 4, YouTuber Joe Weller had been voted out, and by the start of episode 5, Leah Halton faced the same fate.
Here is a list of participants that are still present as of episode 5 (June 6):
- Chloe Louisa Burrows (British reality TV star and Content Creator)
- Nifè (British TikToker and Content Creator)
- Morgan "AngryGinge" (British Twitch streamer and YouTuber)
- Olivia “Liv” Bentley (British TV star)
- Castillo (British rapper and Content Creator)
- Specs (British YouTuber)
- Roberto “Fanum” (American Twitch streamer)
- Manrika Khaira (British TikToker)
Episode 6 of Inside is scheduled to premiere on the MoreSidemen channel on June 6, 2024. The finale episode is set to take place on June 9 on the main Sidemen channel.