Stake-owned streaming platform Kick has launched one of their biggest update to date. They took to their official account to reveal that the website will now support real-time VODs (videos on demand). For context, real-time VOD is a feature that allows you to replay any moments in the stream even when the broadcast is live.
For example, if a stream has been ongoing for an hour, you can use a slider to move back to replay any chosen moments from the stream. This article will delve into the new feature and give a step-by-step guide on how to access it.
Here's how you can access Kick's latest feature - real-time VODs on the website
Step 1:
To access Kick's real-time VOD, first go to the website and then click on the streamer of choice. The streamer, of course, has to be broadcasting. After entering the stream, scroll down and click on the section titled "Videos."
Step 2:
Once you navigate to the "Videos" section, you will be able to see all the streams that the streamer has done in the past. Additionally, on the far left, there will be a stream marked as "Current Stream," indicating that it is a live broadcast. Click on that.
Step 3:
After clicking on "Current Stream," you will be directed to a new page, where the same stream will be played but with a slider. The slider will only cover up to the point of the stream when you click on the section.
Simply put, if you click on the "Current Stream" when the live stream is at 01:00:00, the VOD will be available up to 01:00:00, even if the streamer continues streaming beyond that. You will need to refresh the page to get an updated VOD.
Note: To return to the actual live stream, you can click on the Kick streamer's logo (display picture). This will direct back to the original live-streaming page. This page will not have the slider, meaning you cannot move backward here.
Kick's new feature has certainly been a positive one so far. This has been a demand that has gone long unfilled in Amazon-owned platform Twitch. A similar feature, of course, has been a mainstay of YouTube for several years.