A police report has reportedly been filed against Steven Kenneth Bonnell II, also known as "Destiny," amid the recent revenge po*n allegations against him. On January 23, 2025, a nine-second video featuring Kick streamer jstlk surfaced on X. In it, the content creator claimed to have learned from Chaeiry that she had filed a police report against the political commentator.
For context, on January 21, 2025, Chaeiry accused Destiny of recording and sharing an intimate audio recording of hers without her consent. Furthermore, the streamer alleged that the Nebarska native had recorded her during their intimate moment, adding that she intended to file a police report and press charges against him:
"It is only yesterday I became aware that Destiny had recorded me while we had sex without my consent, and with no regard for me, also shared that recording to others. Two women now have let me know they have received sexual recordings taken of me in September 2023 without my consent. I thank them so much for their concern for me. No amount of public humiliation will ever make me regret being made aware of what was done to me. I will be filing a police report and pressing charges."
Jstlk elaborated on what Chaeiry supposedly told him recently, saying:
"Chaeiry just said she filed a police case and that's what I can tell you guys. So, she filed a police case. That's it."
"I, personally, have seen stuff" - Kick streamer jstlk elaborates on why Chaeiry has reportedly filed a police report against Destiny
Another video from jstlk's livestream has surfaced on X, in which he claimed to have "personally seen stuff" amid the revenge po*n allegations against Destiny. Explaining why Chaeiry intended to file a police report against the 36-year-old, jstlk stated:
"Well, I think, it's mostly... I think she doesn't mind me sharing this but she of the opinion that in a lot of these cases, Destiny looks for like any possible attack surface, any vulnerability, and then he attacks that. Right? So, she's like, 'I'm not going to publicly post anything, I don't care if people think I'm a liar, I'm just going to the police.' I, personally, have seen stuff and I am 100% convinced."
In addition, jstlk has suggested that Destiny be added to the sex offender registry while discussing Chaeiry's allegations with fellow content creator VeganGains.