Twitch streamer Ray, also known as "rayasianboy," has revealed that Kai Cenat reached out to him following the recent controversy. For context, on September 30, 2024, a 50-second video went viral on X, in which Ray claimed that avoiding the use of the N-word is the "hardest part" of livestreaming.
He elaborated:
"Imagine saying the N-word, and your whole career's gone, bro. You know how hard that is, bro? Yo, being a streamer, this is the hard part bro. If you're not Black, bro, this is the hardest part of all time, bro. Like, imagine saying it once, and your whole career is gone, bro! Like, you're gone, bro. You feel me?"
During a broadcast earlier today (October 4, 2024), the 18-year-old commented on the backlash he received on social media. Explaining what Kai Cenat told him following the controversy, Ray said:
"Kai called me a few days ago, talking about the Twitter s**t that happened to me, bro. He told me like, 'Everybody's trying to be at your position. You have to be blessed, bro. But don't say that s**t. Don't say s**t like that, bro. You feel me? Because, you know, the Black community is [unintelligible] type s**t, bro.'"
Ray responded to the two-time Streamer of the Year award winner's suggestions, saying:
"I've got to be blessed right now, bro. I've been blessed, like, I can stream right now. I've been blessed. I can make money off this. I've been blessed. You feel me? I've been blessed, I can... have fun while I'm making money. And I made a lot of friends right now. It's, like, opened my mind. You feel me? And I met all successful people around me, all the successful people around me. I don't know how to say it. Life is just crazy!"
Timestamp: 00:34:15
AMP Agent 00 gives his take on Ray getting backlash for his comments on using the N-word
AMP-affilated personality, Din "Agent 00," has also commented on the controversy surrounding Ray. During a recent livestream, Agent 00 explained what he believed the Taiwanese native meant to say when he claimed not using the N-word is the "hardest part" of livestreaming, saying:
"I saw a lot of people get mad at Ray for saying that. I didn't take Ray saying he wants to say, 'N***a.' I took it as Ray saying, 'N***a is one of those words that's immediately cancelable if you're not Black.' You feel me? But we're not even consistent with how we enforce it. You feel me? Sometimes, people let Mexicans say the word. Or Puerto Ricans say the word."
The Twitch streamer added:
"It's okay or not okay, depending on the split. Sometimes, someone's half-Black, but they present as White, but they get questioned for saying the word. While the same other person who's half-Black but Black doesn't get questioned for saying the word. Like, it is a weird word!"
Last month, on September 17, 2024, Kai Cenat claimed that he "almost cried" when he learned that Ray would be unable to return to the United States for the foreseeable future due to visa issues.