Popular internet personality Felix "xQc" has banned Rani "Stable Ronaldo" from his Twitch chat. On July 6, 2024, Stable Ronaldo checked out several prominent content creators' ongoing broadcasts. He then decided to see what xQc was up to, wondering if the former Overwatch pro would be interested in playing games.
The Fortnite streamer wrote the following in xQc's Twitch chat:
"Yo, xQc, wanna play a game?"
In response, the French-Canadian personality permanently banned Stable Ronaldo from his Twitch chat, calling the latter a "loser." He said:
"Get the f**k out, loser."
"Am I seriously not going to get unbanned?" - Stable Ronaldo left shocked after xQc permanently bans him from his Twitch chat
Stable Ronaldo was about two and a half hours into his most recent livestream when he was permanently banned from xQc's Twitch chat. The FaZe Clan member was shocked to see the Quebec native's decision, saying that he had been watching xQc's livestream "every day" and had accumulated 150,000 Twitch channel points.
He said:
"xQc is my favorite streamer, bro. Do you understand? I watch xQc every day. I have 150k channel points in his chat. I sat there every single day, watching xQc. And now he banned me? This is my favorite streamer, bro. And now I can't even get unbanned?"
Timestamp: 02:20:10
A few moments later, the 21-year-old discovered that he was unable to appeal the ban for a month. He exclaimed:
"Am I seriously not going to get unbanned? Hello? (The streamer refreshes xQc's livestream) I can't request [an appeal] for a month?! Should I just raid xQc instead?"
A brief look into Stable Ronaldo's recent Twitch ban
Last month, on June 27, 2024, the streaming community was informed that Stable Ronaldo had been banned for the fourth time on Twitch. Almost immediately, fans speculated that the streamer's reckless driving and overspeeding during a previous livestream resulted in the incident. Readers should note that the reason for the content creator's Twitch ban has not been officially disclosed.
Commenting on his suspension, the FaZe Clan member said:
"I love streaming, And I love my community. I'm sorry. I don't know what to do, this is my fourth ban. Praying for the best."
He was eventually unbanned three days later, on June 30, 2024.