During a livestream on July 21, 2024, Twitch and Kick streamer Felix "xQc" received a seemingly suicidal donation message from a viewer. While reacting to top posts on the r/LivestreamFail subreddit, xQc noticed that a follower had donated $50 and left the following message:
"First and last dono (donation) maybe? Six years on anti-depressants, give me a reason to not put that 9mm in my head. Oh, and by the way, fireworks on Jaques-Cartier right now. Have you ever seen it?"
The former Overwatch pro was taken aback when he heard this message. While urging the viewer to "stop thinking and talking" about guns, the 28-year-old pleaded with them to seek help:
"I replayed that?! Oh, man! Vibe terrorist, brother. Jesus Christ, my brother! Brother, brother, brother... you need to stop thinking and talking about the bridge or guns and s**t like that, brother. Get some help, brother."
xQc then recommended that the viewer make an appointment with a "local therapist":
"Yo, listen - go buy a f**king pack of McDonald's f**king cigarettes, brother. Okay? Book yourself an appointment with your local therapist, my brother, and spend some time talking to somebody. Okay? 500 cigarettes. Okay? Anyway, can we begin the stream now?"
Timestamp: 00:18:20
Not the first time xQc has received a donation message from a viewer along the same lines
Back in April 2021, xQc was playing Slither.io when he received a rather concerning message from a viewer. While "thanking" the Twitch streamer for "saving their life," the fan wrote:
"I was about to kill myself tonight until I got on your stream. Thank you for saving my life. Anyways, I still think that I am going to kill myself unless you talk me out of it. Please talk me out of it."
In response, the French-Canadian content creator advised the viewer to seek out a mental health professional:
"Listen... you're going to have to go talk to a mental health professional. It's literally their job and they dedicate their life to that. You have to talk to them. You know? And they're going to fix it up. You got this, brother. I believe in you, bro."
In other news, during a recent livestream on Kick, xQc discussed his relationship with Adin Ross, stating that the Florida native was neither his "best friend" nor his "best streamer friend."