YouTube veteran Felix "PewDiePie" has called out Olajide "JJ," popularly known as "KSI." During a recent YouTube livestream, fans asked PewDiePie if he had listened to KSI's songs. In response, the Swedish personality claimed that the professional boxer "took away his greatest video of all time." He said:
"'Listened to KSI's songs? F**k no! He took away my greatest video of all time. Now I am mad about it again (The YouTuber chuckles). My car video. All started because of KSI's f**king music because KSI had to go and have a music career. It's all his fault."
The content creator went on to say that the 31-year-old should sing songs about "copyright-striking people":
"Now he played himself with this. He should sing about that. He should sing about copyright-striking people. That's all he does all day."
"I guess this is what KSI wants to put out in terms of music" - PewDiePie explains why he believes the Sidemen member's song, Thick Of It, sounds "very corporate"
During the same livestream, PewDiePie reacted to KSI's recently released single, Thick Of It. After listening to it for a few moments, the YouTuber stated that the song was not "that bad."
According to him, KSI's track was "very mid" and sounded "very corporate." He explained:
"The song is not that bad. It's really not that bad. I think it's just a very mid song, and I think people are kind of tired of KSI because of the Lunchly whatever, I guess. Maybe that's why. Seems very, like, corporate. Like, someone wrote this, someone else produced this.
"I guess this is what KSI wants to put out in terms of music. I don't know. Really not that bad. 'He could make it better.' I mean, it is pretty good. You know? I, actually, think it's not that..."
PewDiePie isn't the only internet personality who has claimed that KSI copyright-struck his content.
On October 6, 2024, YouTuber Ludwig Ahgren revealed in a post on X that his broadcast had been demonized and blocked "in every country" because he listened to Thick Of It live on stream. In a follow-up post, the Mogul Money Live host voiced his appreciation for the single, stating that he was "rocking to that song."