YouTuber Henry Resilient, known for covering legal cases surrounding prominent internet celebrities, recently released an update video to the Nmplol-Malena case. For context, Nick "Nmplol" Polom and his former partner and streaming associate, Malena, filed for divorce in February 2025. Henry reviews the latest court documents as the case develops to see where things stand.
Most recently, the YouTuber discussed a specific allegation against Polom from Malena. Essentially, the latter has asked the court to consider "financial abuse" as part of the case, specifically while deciding the division of Nmplol's estate:
"Nick's lawyer will also draft up a response to her request for temporary support, and hopefully address the financial abuse allegations, which is the biggest red flag."
It should be noted that "temporary support" in this situation relates to helping Malena source sufficient funds to pay for her attorney's fees.
Resilient went on to explain that this stance could prove beneficial for Malena over the case's proceedings, especially if she can prove that Nick never provided her access to any bank accounts with "significant value":
"Sounds like she doesn’t have any access to bank accounts with significant value. During a divorce you cannot legally refuse her access to bank accounts she normally had access to, unless she never had access to them to begin with. If this is true, she will have a slam dunk case."
Overall, Henry points out that it is imperative that Nmplol responds to the accusations of financial abuse because these allegations can be connected to domestic violence and can also determine the division of property.
Henry Resilient believes Nmplol's motion to "seal" court records amidst the Malena divorce case is futile
According to Resilient, Nick is looking to shield the court's proceedings from the public eye through a motion to seal the court documents:
"On February 18th, Nick filed a motion to seal the court documents, but it's not likely to go in his favor." (Timestamp - 5:50)
Resilient, quoting the law, states that divorce records are not sealed because the public has a "right to see how a judge rules."
Notably, while addressing the situation on stream for the first time, Nick acknowledged their marriage and the ongoing divorce but emphasized that there is no animosity between them.
These matters were discussed in Henry Resilient's second video addressing the Nmplol-Malena situation. After the first one was released, Nick sarcastically thanked Henry after the latter gifted Twitch subscriptions.