Twitch streamer Braxophone has addressed the community following the release of a detailed document by fellow content creator Atsu "AsianGuyStream". For those out of the loop, on June 9, 2024, Atsu announced his indefinite hiatus from content creation, claiming that he had "lost everything." He also shared a 34-page document titled "Closure 08/06/2024," in which he discussed several things in detail. On the seventh page, AsianGuyStream discussed an OfflineTV (OTV) party in 2022, where he, Braxophone, and Darragh "Dish" "crossed paths."
Atsu explained what happened at the party, claiming that Braxophone "made serious allegations" against an active voice actor/actress, referring to them as a "sexual predator."
Here's what the gacha Twitch streamer wrote:
"For context, after the OfflineTV party in 2022, in a car ride home I confided in my friends to say I did not trust Braxophone and felt extremely uncomfortable. Why? Well, it is extremely ironic considering the accusations Braxophone made towards me of spreading rumors, but he made a serious allegation against a presently active voice actor/actress calling them a sexual predator as the very first topic of conversation with me at that party."
Atsu continued:
"It was jarring to hear or be greeted in such a manner, but yet I still did not share that information with anybody in the car ride home, because these were unsubstantiated allegations. True or false, rumor-spreading especially to this degree can have such extreme outcomes."
On June 10, 2024, Braxophone published a document titled "I'm hurt," addressing Atsu's claims. The 26-year-old responded to the voice actor situation at the OfflineTV party by writing:
"Braxophone warned Atsu about a Genshin Voice Actor/Actress at OTV party - I did as I was asked to by another voice actor, the same day to warn other creators who have collabed or might collab with them."
"It's been lots of he-said-she-saids" - Exploring what Atsu said about voice actor/actress that Braxophone addressed in his document
On the eighth page of his document, AsianGuyStream claimed that Braxophone made allegations against a currently active voice actor/actress. The content creator claimed to have spoken with members of the voice-acting community to understand what was going on.
However, according to Atsu, it had been a "he-said-she-said" situation:
"Yes, I repeat, this voice actor/actress is still active in the community to this date, and I have spoken to people in the VA community and other creators to get a better idea of what the f**k is going on, but ultimately it's been lots of he-said-she-saids. As a result, I found myself just distancing myself from a lot of the VA community, even though there are several people there I think are awesome."

The Gensin Impact streamer added:
"I shouldn't have to be dragged into this again by Darragh's demands for an explanation, but if I didn't give an explanation I'm just this horribly prejudiced person without a valid reason to feel uncomfortable around Braxophone. I have contemplated numerous times whether I should have just exposed everything Braxophone told me about this VA and let him deal with it instead, but that would be so disrespectful and likely cause more hurt to any victims involved."
Atsu claimed that the situation was "another example" of him having to "clean up after someone else's problems," remarking:
"It is not my place to speak on their behalf, and it certainly shouldn't have come from Braxophone's mouth in the first place either. It's another example of me having to clean up after someone else's problems and taking the fall for it. I ended up looking like a horrible person because I chose not to spread this rumor Braxophone told me to my friends at the time."
In addition to Braxophone, John "Tectone" has responded to Atsu's document. According to the One True King (OTK) member, the latter's decision to release the document was a "massive mistake."